A Crown Of Smoke And Ash - Sloane Murphy Page 0,21

leads too.”

“Oh, okay. Well, if you’re busy, its fine, but Colt wants to meet me at my apartment. In an hour.”

“Of course, he does,” Levi practically growls, and I feel that storm inside of him again as he grips his phone so hard it looks like he might crush it.

“You don’t have to come, I’m sure it’ll be fine,” I tell him, trying not to poke the bear any further. One thing I’ve learned in the last few days of being around him, is his moods are so mercurial.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Remy.” He sits next to me and helps himself to the French toast while Everly makes herself look busy. I let out a deep breath and take another bite. “I’m sorry.”

His voice still sharp enough to cut glass, but I can see him trying to calm himself.

“It’s fine,” I reply as if I don’t care.

“No, it isn’t. It’s not your fault your brother is a dick. I shouldn’t have gotten angry at you. I will try harder.”

“Levi, you’re literally the Archangel of War. I don’t expect you to be soft and gentle. Rainbows and puppy dogs aren’t exactly the things I would associate with you. A little tantrum isn’t going to scare me.” I turn toward him and let him read the truth on my face. While it might irritate me, I get it. I can feel how much power he has inside of him, it wasn’t something I expected at first, but now I know it’s there, I can feel it. Whether because of our bond from my Angel mark or something else. I don’t expect all of that to just dissipate into thin air. His control must be ironclad to keep it all in check, because I’m not sure I could deal with it.

His posture eases and he relaxes a little. “Regardless, I’m still sorry I lost my temper, there was no need. I should have better control of myself. If we’re meeting him at ten, we’ll leave in five minutes, I want to make sure we get there first.”

“Sounds good, I’ll go wash up,” I tell him and slip from the stool. He grabs my hand and pulls me back to him. He kisses me and it’s as if time around us stops. There is nothing but him. His lips soft but firm, demanding, yet explorative and gentle, as if he doesn’t want to scare me, but at the same time—holy shit he’s kissing me.

He pulls back and smiles at me, “I missed you, Angel. Do not be so reckless with your life. With our time together. Please.” His eyes plead with me, and I realize that my decisions will affect him, affect them all, greatly. I am, after all, essentially mortal.

“You better go wash up.” He turns back to his breakfast and I walk away in almost a daze.

Holy hellfire that kiss. I did not expect that at all. My lips still tingle when I reach my room, and I can’t help but touch them. That just happened.

I shake it off, because the doe eyed girl just isn’t me, and prepare myself to go see my brother.

I meet Levi back in the sitting room, and just the sight of him makes me think twice about leaving. I will say it again. Holy hellfire. In a black t-shirt that hugs his arms and is loose at his waist, dark jeans and combat boots, he looks lethal as hell. His stormy eyes darken when they look at me and catch me staring.

“You ready?” he asks with a smug smile and I nod. I follow him outside, and he scoops me into his arms again. “Flying is quicker.”

We shoot up into the air before I can say a word and head back towards my apartment.

Chapter Five

After clearing my apartment, and securing the door again, Levi took off to check the surrounding areas, leaving me to tidy up the mess that I’m assuming my family made in the first place. That was thirty minutes ago, and with fifteen till my brother is meant to arrive, I’m now sitting on my sofa, thinking about selling the place, because it doesn’t feel like mine anymore.

The break-in, regardless of who did it, was a violation of my space, and even though I’ve tidied it up, it still feels wrong. Broken. Dirty.

I sigh as I contemplate the headache of not just leaving it empty, when the door bursts open, and Levi enters the room.

“Do you ever enter a room without dramatics?” I quirk

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