A Crown Of Smoke And Ash - Sloane Murphy Page 0,126

so many people. Public speaking really never has been my thing, and these last few weeks have been really pushing my boundaries.

“Let’s go then.”

I shift towards him, and clasp my arms around his neck as he unfurls his wings. He wraps his arms around my waist, and with a cheeky wink, pushes us from the ground to soar into the sky. I hold my breath as we shoot upwards so that I don’t squeal, because just no.

It takes less than a few minutes before I see the crowd of Hunters. We’re coming in from behind the Elders, so the mass of Hunters see us first. I hear the gasps, and see them kneel as we approach. The Elders turn to see what is going on as we land on the stage behind them.

“What is the meaning of this?!” My grandfather shouts, his face so red he looks like he might explode.

“I thought this was a gathering for all Hunters. Am I not welcome?” I say to him as I step away from Levi. He looks between us both, his mouth opening and closing but not saying a word.

“It is, and you are. Welcome, Remington, Leviathan. We were just about to begin.” A man I don’t recognize steps forward, he is younger than most of the Elders, not much older than me. “I am Nasari Nagasaki, I recently took over the seat on the council from my father. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

I keep my shock from my face, but I am pleased. He at least, appears to be warmer than the others I have met. “It is nice to meet you too.”

“Before you begin, I have something I would like to raise with the Elders, and all present here,” Levi says, his voice booming across the space, holding captive each and every Hunter here. “It has recently been brought to our attention, about the actions of the Elders, newest editions excluded. Actions which have affected each and every one of you.” Some of the Elders pale at his words, but my grandfather just seems further enraged.

I turn to face the gathering, and swallow the nerves threatening to make me vomit in front of all these people. “I know that all of you do not agree with the ways we have been taught about the ways of our faction. What I recently discovered, is that the way we live, in a constant state of war, is not how we always lived.”

“This is preposterous! How dare you!” One of the women on the council shouts, but Levi nails her with a look, and she grows silent.

“Once, so very long ago, we lived at peace with the other factions. We aided each other, keeping the rogues of all factions in line, but living together, working together. Loving each other.” I pause, letting my words sink in. “I also recently discovered that everything I have been taught about myself, was a lie. I was told this life, was my twelfth. Which is what those who have known me would also believe. This was a lie. This life is my nineteenth. I had a life, a very short life, during the time of peace, and I was murdered by our Elders when I tried to oppose their plans of war. They cast me out for six life cycles, never giving me the option to follow the Hunters path as punishment. Then, when I was finally given the ritual, it was botched, so that I didn’t regain my memories of what had happened, so I could not question it.

I also recently discovered I was not alone in this. Amongst you today are at least a hundred Hunters, who since that time, have never had their reawakening, their entire lines cast out by our Elders for opposing them!” Shouts start in the crowd, and I realize that Creek, Colt, and Fallon, along with Levi have circled the stage area so that the Elders cannot escape.

“I know this is a lot to take in, and something needs to be done. But I ask of you all, please do not turn to violence. That is was started this mess. A war between us right now is not what we need. Especially when there is so much more, I need to tell you all.” I take a deep breath and focus. “Today, I ask, that we call a vote. To replace the Elders of the guild. At least those Elders who are not willing to make a change,

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