A Crown Of Smoke And Ash - Sloane Murphy Page 0,127

to go back to a time of peace, and let the bigotry between the factions die.”

Shouting begins in the crowd, and I look to Levi, because if this gets heated, we don’t have the numbers to back us up.

“This is all absurd!” One of the male Elders calls out, but Nasari steps forward and raises his hands.

“These are quite some allegations, but your words ring true. As I am new to the Elders council, I cannot speak on previous actions, but I will put myself forward to look into this. I know you have all traveled a long way, and what Remington has put forward to us today, feeds in to what was already happening, so I would ask, that each guild puts forward two people, to speak on their behalf, to put forward the feelings of your guild.

I will assess the feedback in two days, when I have had chance to review the evidence, I have no doubt that Remington possesses. In the meantime, our council will be held in the chambers while I go over all of this.” I look to Colt, who nods. He was with the Nagasaki family when he trained. If he trusts Nasari, then I’ll trust his judgement.

Nasari motions to some people off the side of the stage where we stand, and there is uproar as the Elders are handcuffed and led to the chambers, overseen by Levi who looks as menacing as I’ve ever seen him. While people shout out, not one person steps forward to challenge him or the actions of those he is with.

“Thank you,” I turn to Nasari and say. “This could have gone much worse.”

“Thank you for bringing this to me. My father, he told me some things before he passed. He chose the true death, and wanted me to have at least some of the reasoning as to why before he left us. The guilt of his actions, I think, weighed down on him, despite the fact that he has always been lax about the way we have hunted in our territory. It is all making sense now.”

“I am sorry about your father, but at the same time, thankful that you already had an insight, because without you, it would have been a much harder fight today. We have more to discuss, but I understand you have a lot to process. My brother Colt, and my husband, Creek, have all of the information you need, as well as the Hunters whose memories Levi has restored after being treated so horrifically.”

“I will get started at once.” He nods to me, and then turns, heading for Colt and Creek. I let out a deep breath and look up to the bright blue sky. While I’m happy it went so well, it feels like it was too easy.

“Stop it,” Fallon says as she joins me on the stage. We move to the edge and sit, our feet hanging off the edge as the Hunters start to disperse into their guilds. “Don’t question your good fortune. It only brings bad juju your way, and we have enough shit to deal with.”

“I know, I know. I just can’t help but wonder if someone knew we were coming here. Or how many people here today are with whoever is behind the hybrids, all of it. How much they already knew, and how much we have just helped them.”

“Well, we already know that part of their agenda lines up with yours. Reuniting the factions. But the hybrids, and the dabbling with Demons, shows their nefarious intent. No-one welcomes Demons to the party without wanting to wreak havoc across the earth. Whatever they’re up to, reuniting the factions was not their end goal.”

“I wish it was ours. It would have been nice to see the finish in sight. All this time, all these lives, and I finally managed to get what I’ve been trying to do for so very long, and yet, it feels like a hollow victory with everything else still hanging over our heads.”

“Take comfort in the win, girl. God knows there’s enough bad out there, so enjoy this while you can.”

“You sure you don’t want to just tell me how all this ends? Who the bad guys are?”

“I don’t know who they are, otherwise, I’d write you a damn list, fates be fucked. As for how it all ends, I told you, Mom has only seen one potential outcome, anything could change. But as it stands, we’re all hurtling down that path together,

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