A Crown Of Smoke And Ash - Sloane Murphy Page 0,125

and laves my nipples with his tongue as I start to roll my hips, riding him, and loving every second of it.

It’s not frantic, it’s not crazed. It’s merely full of love and promise. Like our souls are remembering another time, another life.

“I’m going to give you the world, beautiful. You’ll have it all,” he promises, gripping my hips harder, and rising up to match my movements, his thumb creating friction on my clit, and sending bolts of electricity throughout my body.

So close, so fucking close.

“More,” I command, my fingers pulling on his hair, his doing the same as his thrusts become more frantic, more demanding.

“Say it, Remy,” he demands in return, “say it again.”

I know what he wants to hear. And I want to say it. Forever.

“I love you so fucking much, Creek,” I cry out as his hips slam into me, skin on sweaty skin, and his thumb circles ardently with my clit as its only focus.

“Yes, you do,” he tells me before his mouth devours mine, and his tongue invades my mouth with a kiss so demanding it makes me come on the spot.

I scream into his mouth as he slams once, twice, back into me, and then stills as he empties his seed inside me. Our kiss is broken only by our moans.

“You are mine, Remy. Before, now, and forever.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight

I pace while I wait with Levi a mile out from the chambers where the Hunters are gathering. We’re not so great in numbers as the other factions, but they’re using the fields by the chambers to meet, and some of the Witches are warding the area, so Creek, Colt, and Fallon are all already there, with Fallon weaving in a weakness so that Levi and I can still make our entrance. The Hunter’s we managed to talk round are already there too, so much anger in them, that I doubt my decision to let it happen, but this is what we need to do. Creek has the proof, the journals, to back up the truths I’m about to lie down before them all.

I know Colt is worried about how people are going to react, but better that they know the truth and can work with that, than continue going as we are.

Roman and Kain are still following the lead they found, and I hope to any gods or fates that might listen, that they find out who the hell is behind all of this, or what the whole point of all this is, so that we can prepare.

I take a deep breath, and let it out slowly, waiting for my watch to hit the hour so that we can make our entrance. Dramatic as it may be, some things need flare, and this is one of them.

“Are you ready?” Levi asks softly.

“As I’m going to be.”

“You don’t need to do this. I can do it. Facing your father, your brother, all of them, after everything, I get this isn’t easy.”

“It’s not, but if what happened to me was the catalyst for so many rebelling at long last, then my presence will be as powerful and meaningful as what we have to tell them. My biggest worry, is that the Hunters are going to be so broken, that they’re not able to get their shit together in time to help us when it counts.”

“Maybe that’s what whoever is behind this is hoping for.”

“It could be, but we don’t really have much choice. I started this ball rolling eons ago. I’m not going to stop the progress happening. It’s been a long time coming.”

“I know, I just know that if I was planning an attack, that centered around you if that prick Easton wasn’t lying, then discord amongst the Hunters is exactly what I’d want. You don’t think this could have been your grandfathers plan the entire time? That he could be behind everything? He was the one who dealt your sentence.”

“Honestly, I have no idea. I just don’t see it. Not with how much he hates the other factions. He hated them before that attack so long ago, I just have no idea why.”

“I’m sure everything will make sense in time. For now, let’s narrow our focus a bit. Let’s get through today, find out if Roman and Kain have gotten anywhere with the lead they’ve been chasing for the last week, and then we’ll worry about the rest.”

“Sounds good.” I shake out my arms, trying to relax myself and shake off the nerves of facing

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