A Crown Of Fire And Wrath (The Shadow Walkers Saga #5) - Sloane Murphy Page 0,4


Chapter Two


“What do you mean, Avalon?” I try to climb out of his arms, but his hold is firm, keeping me where I am. “Please tell me you’re joking?”

He frowns down at me, and I squirm under his intense gaze. This all just feels way too familiar considering I met him like ten minutes ago, regardless of the fact I must have known him before, and the fact that he just saved my life—though I still have no idea how he did that. I thought angel glass was a death sentence.

“I don’t joke about your safety, little bird. Never have. Never will.” He walks further into the room, and puts me down so that I’m lying on one of the two plush soft grey sofas in here. I sigh as the buttery soft material cradles my still aching body. Whatever Michael did to heal me has definitely helped, but a bone deep ache remains in place of the fiery pain. I try to sit up, and pain flares through my shoulder where I put weight on that arm. I wince and lay the fuck back down. Much as I hate feeling vulnerable, he seems to be worried about my wellbeing, so I’m reasonably confident he isn’t going to try and kill me.

Then again, I’ve thought that before and been wrong. Bauer’s face as he loomed above me flashes into my mind, but I shake it off and stuff it the fuck down. Now is not the time to deal with that. I just add it to the almost overwhelmingly full box of shit that I have yet to process properly.

“How are you feeling?” he asks as he crouches beside me, scanning over me. I close my eyes and catalogue the truth of my answer before I speak.

“I hurt, pretty much everywhere, but the burning from the angel glass has gone. I just ache, all over.” I sigh, and open my eyes to find his intense brown eyes still studying me. The depth of emotion almost suffocates me, but he pulls back and stands. It helps me breathe a little easier, because I’m pretty sure I have enough to deal with, without facing the truth behind that look.

“Wait here. I’ll go get some stuff sorted for your stay here, and I’ll bring something to help with the pain. Then we can talk.”

I nod at his words, though I have a dozen questions as well as more than a small objection about staying here when I barely know him, even if he did save my life. However, getting rid of the pain will help clear my head, so I don’t object. He literally pops out of sight, the flash of light making me wince. My eyes start to water, and I try to blink it away. My head really didn’t need that. Man, I just want to go home, back to my guys.

Oh fates, I bet my guys are losing their fucking shit. I massage my temples as I groan just thinking about the potential fallout back home with the way I ended up here. Especially because if I am in Avalon, none of them can get here. At least not without starting a fucking war.

That can be next on my list, after getting rid of this crippling body ache. That and trying to work out why it is Michael seems to be helping me, and treating me with such reverence. Especially when everything I’ve heard about him made me think he would be beyond pissed that I was an angel again, and worst-case scenario, wanted me dead.

My mind feels so fuzzy from everything that’s happened, I haven’t even started to process the fact that Bauer tried to kill me yet and that he’s dead. I am in no way prepared to deal with the emotions that come with that right now, or the fact that Colt is practically alone now. He’s the only one of us left. My heart aches for him, but that’s also not something I can let myself focus on either.

Not until I know that I’m actually safe here.

Levi let Caleb hand me over to Michael, but since Michael could apparently heal the angel glass wound, which I’m still reeling from too, then I don’t suppose he had much other choice. But that doesn’t help me know whether or not he can be trusted. Levi certainly hasn’t made him out to be a guy that’s on our side.

Except, the way Michael looked at me when he first took

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