A Crown Of Fire And Wrath (The Shadow Walkers Saga #5) - Sloane Murphy Page 0,5

me in his arms seems so at odds with everything I’ve heard about him. The weighted looks from him, even everything he’s said tells me maybe I’ve got him wrong. I huff, because having all of my memories back properly would be really fucking useful right now, but for now, I guess I’m playing it safe. Well as much as I can since I’m essentially trapped here.

Fates, I’m driving myself nuts, going in circles inside my own mind. Maybe it’s just the shock of everything that happened fucking with me.

Michael flashes back into the room with that blinding white light of his and is at my side in seconds. I blink as my eyes water again, that warm smile of his back on his face as he sits on the edge of the sofa next to me. “You need to drink this.”

He helps me sit up, since I can’t manage it on my own, and raises a glass vial to my lips. I contemplate not drinking it, I don’t know him, but his actions so far don’t tell me he wants to hurt me. Though, I’ve been wrong before. The pain is almost overwhelming, so I drink down the clear fluid, trying not to gag as the sour concoction hits my tastebuds. I swallow and stick out my tongue, trying not to shiver at the sensation.

“Yeah, sorry, it tastes awful, I should have warned you, I forget that you don’t remember everything about, well everything, but it should help.” He smiles sadly at me, brushing my hair from my forehead as his eyes soften. “You should try to sleep now, little bird. I know you’ll have a million questions; you always do.” He smiles as if he knows me on a way deeper level that I have any recollection of, and the way he speaks to me, that soothing deep voice of his, makes me feel like I’m almost safe.

As he finishes speaking, as a yawn tears through me, and I wonder what exactly it was I just drank to make me so sleepy so quickly, but the thought is lost as darkness seeps in and I fall unconscious.

I wake as light filters in through the windows and I stretch out in bed. It takes me a second to remember everything that happened yesterday and realize where the hell I am. It all hits me, and I feel like I might drown if I think on it too much, so I put it back in its box, and refocus on my surroundings. The room is similar to the room I was in yesterday, it’s big and airy, full of glass, whites and greys, with touches of navy blue.

Wherever it is that Michael lives, it’s pretty beautiful in here. It reminds me of some sort of beautiful, clean beach house. No idea why, it just has that sort of tranquil feeling to it.

It hits me that I’m in bed, when I fell asleep on the couch. I panic for a minute and I lift the comforter, letting out a deep breath because I’m still fully clothed. Well, that would’ve been more than a little creepy. Even if he did save my life.

“Oh good, you’re awake.” Michael is in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe, a mug of what smells like coffee in his hands. He chuckles as he watches me and brings me the mug. “I see not much has changed when it comes to you and coffee.”

I take the mug without a second thought and sip the java goodness. It occurs to me I should be more cautious, but something inside me feels settled here. Maybe it’s because I’m an angel, in the city of angels, or maybe it’s because Michael just isn’t registering as a threat to me. I don’t know, but the coffee tastes like a little piece of heaven, and I can’t help but groan. My eyes dart to Michael after I realize quite how that sounded, his eyes sparkle with laughter, and I can see he’s trying not to laugh out loud.

“Sorry.” I shrug and take another sip, trying to control myself at how good this tastes. “What exactly, is in this?”

“It’s just coffee. But it’s a blend we created here with angel senses in mind, since they’re so heightened.” His amusement at my happiness is more than apparent, and he just looks at me like he did yesterday. Like he knows me in a much deeper sense that I have any memory of.

“Why did you

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