A Crown Of Fire And Wrath (The Shadow Walkers Saga #5) - Sloane Murphy Page 0,3

live in peace for a while.”

“Well, since Caleb has Jack nice and shackled back home, maybe we can get some answers for you.” She smirks, and I try not to look as shocked as I feel. “Caleb only told Remy earlier, I’m not surprised you don’t know yet. He swore the others to secrecy until he could tell her, he was practically giddy at the prospect of repaying some kindness back to Remy’s old beau. It would seem that shot to the head landed him right back in our territory, and since we had an alert out on him, we got him practically as he appeared. He won’t be back and doing any damage to our girl. Oooh, and Bryce caught himself a special little soul too, Ferry brought him Archer just before we came here. If anyone was going to make people tell their secrets it will be those two.”

“I hope they fuck them up. Nice and slow.” I grin, and it’s almost feral, but I don’t give a shit. They deserve every piece of monster I have no doubt lives inside of the Horsemen.

“Oh, they will. And if anyone else pops up, we’ll get them too. Malik called dibs on Bauer when we went upstairs, so if he shows up, he’ll be… questioned also. Anything for our girl. Fuck knows how much we owe her, even after everything lately. Some debts can never be paid.”

I nod, because I know exactly what she means. While I might not know everything about how she and Amantara became friends, or everything that happened with the six of them, the more time we spend with them, the more I’ve learned. It never fails to shock me just how pure Remy’s soul is, despite everything. She’ll happily give every single part of herself for the ones she loves, which is exactly why I need to do a better job protecting her, so she doesn’t have to keep giving everything. She’s died for each of us at one point or another, and it’s not right or fair that she keeps being asked to give more.

Enough is e-fucking-nough. Thankfully, she has more people in her corner watching her back now, which reminds me…

“Thank you. For earlier. For stepping in. You didn’t have to.”

“It was nothing.” She waves her hand to dismiss me. “Them beating the crap out of you, while potentially entertaining, wasn’t useful to anyone, and it would’ve just upset Remy if she found out. Especially since you all only just started playing nice together.”

I rub the back of my neck, swallowing the shame and embarrassment that threatens to rise, even though I didn’t really do anything. She’s not wrong. Remy would be pissed if she found out we were fighting amongst ourselves, but then, I don’t blame the guys at all. In their shoes, I’d have attacked me too. It’s not like it was me they really wanted to hit. Michael was the intended target. Another line in my tally of reasons to kill that asshole.

“Don’t worry, Leviathan. They’ll all realize at some point that you quite literally breathe to keep her happy, that everything you do is for her. It might not be obvious to everyone, but I see it. All of it. It’s why I didn’t let my guys beat the crap out of you too. But I wasn’t fucking about earlier. You sort this shit with Michael, or I will. And if we march on Avalon, it won’t be pretty.” The hard set of her face leaves me with no illusion that they’d raze the place if that’s what it took.

“Understood,” I say, nodding.

“That being said, we’ll do whatever we can to help. That includes helping you find out who the fuck has it out for Remy so bad they’re willing a war of this size. Considering the people they pulled to their side, it could’ve been catastrophic. It still could be, we don’t know how many others there are that we don’t know about. You know what they say about cutting off a hydra’s head. I don’t need to tell you to keep your guard up. I’m heading up to bed, but remember, if you need anything, anything at all, just let me know. If it’s in my power, it’ll be done.”

And just like that, she stands and saunters from the room, every inch the queen she is. It’s easy to see what her guys see in her, but she doesn’t have a thing on Remy. Not a fucking

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