A Crown Of Fire And Wrath (The Shadow Walkers Saga #5) - Sloane Murphy Page 0,27

says, as the electricity leaves the air. Michael is just standing there, blinking at me.

“What was that?” I ask, to no one in particular, but hoping one of them has an answer.

“That… that was shadow fire,” Michael says with an audible gulp. “That is not something I have seen in a very, very long time.”

Awesome. That seems about right.

“Can it hurt her?” Levi asks him, but Michael shakes his head.

“It doesn’t hurt the bearer, but this is definitely something no one outside of this room should know about. If you thought the angels would be on edge with your presence here little bird, this will not help.

“I don’t understand?” I say, confused.

“Shadow fire is something of myth. At least, these days. I’ve only seen one person bear it before, and that was in a time when I was a boy, when Shadow Walkers were more in number. The strongest of them, Azekial, the leader of Archangels back then, could wield shadow fire… it is the only substance known to be able to kill an angel other than angel glass.”

Well fuck.

Chapter Seven

I crouch behind the marble table, the barrage of fire from the demons inside the room is almost overwhelming. I got separated from Leviathan and the guys when I chased one of them this way. I should’ve known better. Now I’m trapped, pinned down, and I can practically hear the maniacal laughter of the demons as I throw some fire of my own back at them. One angel might not have as much power as a dozen demons, but I’m a Shadow Walker, and that means I can hurt them more than most angels. The links I have with demons is unlike any other angels. It makes us closer, but it also means that they’re less likely to heal from my power.

I might not have a huge arsenal up my sleeve, not like Michael, my healing skills are seriously lacking, but my shadows and my fire. They’re my strongest weapons. I blanket the room in shadows, straining as I try to make sure I cover everyone in here. I can feel each of them, their power reaching for the weird familiarity of my own, and once I can sense them, and they can’t see me fully, I gather my fire in my hand, a ball of blue flame dancing.

I feel the sweat trickle down my spine at the amount of power I’m using. I can hear shouts from down the hall, but I don’t have time to pay attention to that. My entire focus has to be on getting myself out of this room, and back to the guys. I grow the ball of fire, but the shadows start to recede as I reach the limit of my power well. Their attack never stops, and as the shadows start to fade, their attack increases. I take a deep breath and close my eyes before popping up, and sending my giant ball of flame into multiple smaller ones, one for each demon in here.

“Amantara!” Tobin’s voice echoes down the hall, as I drop back into a crouch, hoping that the flames hit their targets. He strides into the room, bow drawn and fires off arrow after arrow, taking cover behind a pillar to the right of me. I look up to him, but I’m depleted. We were led into a trap, this supposedly almost empty hideout was a nest of all forms of demons. I know Morganna has been having an issue with the power play over in the Shadow Realm, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen this many demons on Earth before.

I tuck it away to check in with her, if and when I get out of this mess, and look back at Tobin. His worried gaze keeps darting back to me as more demons fill the space opposite us. There must be another entrance on that side of the room.


‘I’m sorry,’ I mouth to Tobin who shakes his head. The four of us, Tobin, Nevin, Leviathan and I have been working as a four for as long as I can remember. This probably isn’t the worst situation we’ve found ourselves in, but it sure is fucking close.

A roar from down the hall reaches my ears as the entire building shakes. I guess Leviathan is getting pissed off. I take a deep breath and put myself together. I refuse to be the weak link here. I send a tendril of my power out into the room, searching for someone

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