A Crown Of Fire And Wrath (The Shadow Walkers Saga #5) - Sloane Murphy Page 0,28

briming with power, and once I latch on, I drain them. I won’t incapacitate them, but it will give me enough juice to help us get the hell out of here. Hopefully unscathed.

The screech from the demon as I drain his power pierces my eardrums, and Tobin winces at the sound. Thank the fates for rapid healing, because I’m pretty sure my ear drums just burst. I nod at Tobin as he takes a deep breath and pulls another arrow from his quiver. I try not to be envious of his blessed quiver, the one that never runs out of arrows, but I fail most of the time.

I push the shadows out of me again and dart over to Tobin who fires into the darkness as we make a run back into the hall.

“We need to get the fuck out of here,” he breathes as we run back towards where Leviathan and Nevin were when I saw them last. I nod, not wasting precious air on words. The air around us is filling with smoke, we might be able to handle it, but it’s not exactly comfortable.

“Tobin!” Nevin’s voice shouts from behind us, I spin on my heel just as he darts towards the demon between us. The demon unleashes his power, but Nevin is a shield, he’s impervious to pretty much all powers, and he can share it, just with a limited range. His shield reaches me first, and Tobin takes the majority of the blow from the demon.

“No!” Nevin’s pained cry swallows all other noise. I shoot a ball of blue flame at the demon, and he disintegrates, before turning to Tobin who is bleeding on the floor beside me. “How, how is he bleeding? He’s an angel. This isn’t meant to be fatal!”

Nevin’s cries hurt me, he just saved my life. And now his brother might not survive. He’s right, this shouldn’t hurt him. At least not this bad. I don’t understand. Nevin lifts Tobin’s head as he coughs, blood trickling from his mouth.

“Heal him!” Nevin screams at me, but Tobin reaches up and touches his arm, shaking his head.

“She can’t big brother, you know it.” He coughs again and I fall to my knees. “It’s not her fault. That demon, whatever that was, it’s something I’ve never felt before.”

“Please, just try,” Nevin pleads with me, and so I reach my hands over to Tobin, willing the supposed healing power inside of me to my hands. The power leaves my hands and I feel it flow into him. He sighs, like he’s at peace, but then his breathing stops, as a tear runs down my face.

“I am so, so, sorry,” I choke out as I look up to Nevin’s tear stained face.

“This isn’t your fault, Amantara,” he says softly. “It’s mine. I wasn’t strong enough to protect you both. He would’ve wanted me to save you first. It’s who he is.”


“I won’t ever regret saving you, just the fact I couldn’t save him too.” He stands, lifting Tobin’s body. “We need to get back to Leviathan, and get the fuck out of here. Then we need to find out how the fuck this happened.”

After the bombshell Michael dropped on me earlier, he left Levi and I. The thought of my safety on Earth set aside in wake of my new power. I left Levi at his loft to prepare everything he wanted to take home with us, and I went to my house to do the same. I’ve been here about an hour, longer than I thought I would be, but there was something about going through my stuff here that felt cathartic. I don’t have much to take home. Small keepsakes, and weapons mostly, which I’ve got packed up and mainly in the bag I sling over my shoulder. It feels heavier than I expected, but I’ve carried worse. I close the door to the house and lock the door. I don’t know if or when I’ll be back here, but it’s nice to know it’s here if I should choose to come back.

“Remy.” I freeze at the voice calling my name and close my eyes, key still in the door. “Remy?”

I turn at the second use of my name to face my mom. She looks hesitant, and I’m guessing the look of horror on my face isn’t helping.

“I wanted… I wanted to speak to you. We didn’t have much time before, and there is so much that I didn’t get to speak to you about,”

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