Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,89

good night, and I may see you tomorrow.” And then he was gone.

“He was pleasant enough, Katy.” Mari was the first to speak.

“But it was all business,” Katy sadly reminded her.

They finished the meal in silence and the girls said goodbye to Chloe while Jon paid the check. The ride home was quiet as Katy sat in the back seat, lost in her thoughts. When they arrived back at Marianne’s house, Katy said goodnight and went straight to her room. She dozed fitfully until around dawn, when she was finally able to catch a few hours’ sleep before having to face Ryan again.


Marianne dropped Katy off at the restaurant with a promise to stop by later. Katy carried her briefcase full of designs, swatches, and color palettes into the lobby. Chloe was waiting and waved for her to join her in the private dining room.

“We can work undisturbed here.” She offered Katy coffee and they set to work immediately. Chloe was so impressed with Katy’s ideas, she finally sat back and said, “Babe, you have taken a load off my shoulders. I am putting you in charge of all the decorating. You make all the decisions, do it all. Can you take it on?”

“Well… I am still finishing up with Angie. When I get back home, I need to meet with her and start ordering all her supplies. If I can work it all out, I’d be honored to take over the decorating for you.”

“It’ll mean spending most of your time in Dallas. Can you handle it?”

“I’ll have to, now, won’t I?”

“Good girl. Oh, look, here’s Ryan coming in to check up on us.”

“I was just checking to see if you needed me for anything.”

Only everything, Katy thought. I need you for everything, Ryan.

“No, we’re doing just fine. In fact, Katy is so talented, I have just put her in charge of all the decorating for the O’Grady chain. That’ll free me up to work on recipes and kitchen stuff.”

“Katy, you can give up your other clients to work exclusively for the O’Grady chain? You do realize this will be a full time job?”

“I do realize that, Mr. O’Grady. At present, I have only one other client and that’s Angie. I’ve already told Chloe that I need to see that project through and then I am free to devote my time to O’Grady Enterprises. She has agreed to that stipulation. So you see, we really have it all worked out.”

“And you will be moving to Dallas, then?”

Katy had not thought of that. “That would be a major, life-changing decision. I have my home and my son to consider. I think it would be a bit much to move to Dallas for a temporary job, when I have no other reason to be here, don’t you?”

Ryan winced at her last words. “And what makes you think this job is temporary? If O’Grady Enterprises gets off the ground and we build all over the country, the job could last for years. You ought to seriously consider giving up your new business and joining our payroll.”

“We’ll see. I am not making any rash decisions yet. There really is no need to, now is there?” She looked directly at Ryan. Chloe had sneaked out of the room unnoticed, leaving the two to talk. “And if I did that, joined the O’Grady payroll, who would I answer to in that position?”

He looked at her with guarded eyes. “You would answer to me.”

“And you think that would work?”

“Why wouldn’t it? There is no reason I can think of that the two of us can’t work together, can you think of any, Katy?”

“No, of course not. I’ll give it some serious thought. As for now, I need to check and see if Marianne has returned to pick me up. Good day, Ryan.”

Shaking, she walked into the main dining room to see Marianne and Chloe chatting. She walked over and said abruptly, “I’m ready to go. Chloe, I’ll call you tomorrow. We need to talk about the offer you made me in more detail. Ryan brought up some things I hadn’t thought of.”

“Sure, sweetie. Call anytime and I’ll make time for you. We’ll get out of here and have some girl time while we’re at it. Everything ok?”

“It will be. He may think he can tell me what’s what, but I can make my own decisions.”

Chloe and Marianne were at a loss as to what that meant. They said their goodbyes and after Katy and Mari had Copyright 2016 - 2024