Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,88

the desk and hugged her.

“Hello, Shane. I’m happy to be here. I’m excited to start working with Chloe.”

“Chloe is bouncing-off-the-walls-excited. Jon, Mari, good to see y’all again.”

“And you as well, Shane.”

“Let me show y’all to your table. I believe Chloe picked out a private table in the back corner so we can all visit as we get a break.”

“That would be great. I wasn’t sure if you two would get a chance to visit with us or not.”

“We’ll make time. After all, you are three of our favorite people. Chloe will be out in a few minutes. She was finishing up some things in the kitchen.”

No mention of Ryan. And still no sign of him.

“Katy, darlin’, it’s so good to see you.” Chloe walked to the table and hugged Katy. She turned to Mari and Jon and smiled. “I was so happy when Marianne called and said y’all were coming over for dinner. Shane and I really enjoyed our night out with you. It gave us a chance to catch up.”

“We enjoyed it too, Chloe. We had a lot of fun that night,” Jon said.

Chloe sat down. “Katy, I can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with. Let’s get together about ten in the morning. Work for you?”

“That would be wonderful. Marianne has offered me the use of her car. Or, better yet, Mari, maybe you’d like to bring me? You can go shopping or run errands while we’re working and then pick me up later.”

“That would work for me. I have some things I could do and when you’re finished, we’ll go do something fun, take in a movie or something.”

Katy occasionally glanced around the room, still seeing no sign of Ryan. Where was he?

This did not go unnoticed by Chloe. “He’s not here, honey.”

Katy looked at her friend, “Did he know I would be here tonight?”

“Oh, no, nothing like that. He went to Austin yesterday to meet with a supplier and isn’t back yet. He actually should be rolling in anytime. He said he would come here before he went home, so I expect him at any time. Won’t he be surprised? He knew you were flying in today, but bet he wasn’t expecting to see you until tomorrow. I think that’s why he came back from Austin tonight instead of waiting until tomorrow.”

“I doubt that, Chloe. I think it’s pretty much strictly business for Ryan and me from here on out.”

“I know it may seem like that. But don’t count him out yet, sweetie. I know Ryan. He is hurting like crazy. And he wouldn’t hurt if he didn’t care about you. As far as I know, he hasn’t had a date since he met you.”

“You all keep trying to get me to hold on. I know you mean well and that you wish things were different, but I just don’t think it will work out. I need to start getting past my feelings for him.”

The three people sitting at the table with her all looked at each other helplessly.

The waiter came and took their orders, giving Katy a chance to regain her composure. The meal progressed, with Chloe and Shane stopping by to chat every chance they got. It was not until they had ordered dessert that the elder O’Grady brother made an appearance.

Katy sensed he was there the minute he entered the room. She looked up and saw him talking with Shane. His younger brother must have told him she was there, because he glanced back at their table. He strode through the dining room, as devilishly handsome as ever. Heads turned as he made his way to her table. And then he was there, standing right in front of her. Her hands became clammy as she tucked them in her lap. Her heart was racing, her stomach in knots. She looked up into the eyes of the man she so desperately loved and could not have. She could not speak.

“Katy, you’re here. I trust you had a good flight?” He nodded to the Jacobis. “Hello, Jon, Mari.”

“Uh, yes, it was fine.”

“Ready for work in the morning?”

“Chloe and I are meeting here at ten. Will you be here too?”

“Not sure. Depends on what Chloe wants. She has her hands in so many projects right now, I don’t know if she’s handling the décor on her own or if she wants help.”

“I’ve been working on it quite a bit, so hopefully she won’t have to do much.”

“Well, I need to be getting home. Have a Copyright 2016 - 2024