Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,87

try again. Don’t give up, Katy.”

Katy was surprised by Jon’s outburst. “Why do you think I shouldn’t give up? Have you seen Ryan?”

“No, not Ryan exactly, but we did finally get together with Chloe and Shane for dinner the other night and from what I could gather, Ryan has not been a very happy camper since this whole thing went down between the two of you. If he didn’t care about you, would it bother him so much? Food for thought.”

They had arrived at the house and were greeted by Marianne, still in her nurse’s scrubs.

Katy hugged her friend, while Jon carried her bags to an upstairs guest room.

“How was your flight? Did you get some rest on the plane? You sounded tired when you called yesterday. Been working a lot?”

“The flight was fine, and yes, I took a nap. I’ve been working a lot of long hours. But it sure is good to see you.”

“Likewise. Chloe is so excited to get with you on the décor. We had dinner with them finally.”

“That’s what Jon told me. So what was said about Ryan?”

Marianne hesitated before she said, “Chloe says he’s been very moody since you left. He won’t talk about you or what happened. She said he’ll only mention you if it pertains to the work, so she was shocked when he volunteered to call you. She was hoping that was a good sign. But apparently, he’s being very close-mouthed, even with Shane.”

“Did you mention to her how cold he was to me on the phone?”

“She wasn’t surprised. I gather that has been his general attitude with everyone lately. Not just you.”

“You girls up for dinner out? Where would you like to go? My treat.” Jon bounded down the stairs.

“What about Jordan?”

“He actually has a date tonight. I know this because he hit me up for money.”

“Let me get a quick shower and get changed. Katy, if you want to freshen up, I put you in the guest room that has a connecting bath, so feel free. There are towels in the linen closet.”

“I’ll do just that. And, oh, by the way, Jon, I know where I want to have dinner.”

Both of the Jacobis looked at her in surprise as she said simply, “I want to go to ‘Chloe’s Place.’”

Katy turned and ran up the stairs to her bedroom. Her heart was racing. Why had she thought it was a good idea to go to Ryan’s restaurant? He would just think she was looking for him. No, she had every right to go there. She was working with the owners. It was perfectly acceptable. She could get a firsthand look at his attitude. She allowed herself to stand under a hot shower before choosing a pair of creamy slacks topped with a rose and cream striped, cashmere, cowl-necked sweater. The air was cool in Texas, but not cold as it was back in Chicago. The sweater would be fine for the evening. When she entered the sitting room, Jon and Marianne were waiting.

“Let’s go, hon. I called ahead and told Chloe we’d be there, but I asked her not to tell Ryan. I hope that’s ok.” Marianne smiled conspiratorially.

What had she and Chloe done? Katy was afraid to ask, so she just said, “Perfect. Let’s go. I believe I heard Dr. Jacobi say he was treating.”

“That I did. Ladies, right this way.”

On the way to dinner, Katy and Marianne discussed Lizzie’s last visit to Dallas. Apparently, all was going well with the Harts now that Lizzie was working at the agency. She had been jet-setting back and forth between Columbus and Dallas several times. They had finally met their daughter’s fiancé. He was likeable enough but they were still in shock about the whole ordeal. Katy would be anxious to talk with Lizzie and find out more. She had been so busy the past few months, and she knew Lizzie had too, that they had not touched base since the trip in the early fall. Soon they had arrived at the restaurant. Well, it’s now or never, Katy, steel yourself. It’s likely to be a bumpy ride. They walked into the lobby of the restaurant. Katy let her eyes adjust to the dim light before glancing around the room. No sign of Ryan. Had Chloe told him she was coming, after all?

Shane was behind the desk and greeted them with a smile. “I see some of my favorite people have arrived. Katy, good to see you again.” He walked around Copyright 2016 - 2024