Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,86

spent some time reading by the indoor pool, indulged in some spa time, and did some shopping while Angie was working. The evenings were spent having dinner with her friend and catching up.

Michael was around the first part of the week, but had flown to Texas mid-week to meet with Ryan and Shane, giving the girls some time to themselves.

“What do you think Ryan’s reaction will be when he sees you, Katy?” Angie ventured to ask.

“I can’t begin to imagine, Angie. He was so cold and professional on the phone. As if we had never been anything more than business acquaintances. I realize we only knew each other for a week, but it was a very intense week.”

“And how do you feel about that?”

“I can be just as businesslike as he can. I’m a professional now.”

“You go, girl. That’s the spunk coming out.”

“I just hope I don’t turn to mush when I see him. The longer I’m away from him, the more I think I really did… do… love him. I thought after I came back home, the feeling would fade away, but it has only grown stronger. I miss him so and crave more time with him. It just wasn’t long enough.”

Angie felt bad for her friend. She was afraid Katy might never get the time with Ryan that she craved. She patted her friend’s hand and cleverly changed the subject, “Tell me some of your ideas for Chloe’s restaurants.”

Katy spent the next hour telling Angie what she had come up with so far. Her enthusiasm for her work shone through and Angie was glad that Katy had the work to occupy her time. Otherwise, this ordeal with Ryan might have been her undoing.

When it was time to go home, Katy hugged her friend and told her she would call her when she was back from Dallas. “We can talk about ordering the materials and furniture then.”

“Sounds good. You take care of yourself, and don’t let this thing with Ryan bring you down. Enjoy your trip, regardless of what he does.”

Katy took her keys from the valet and started her journey back to Chicago.

The next week was spent working. When she was finally on board the plane, it was time to relax. Katy had worked long hours, night and day, for Chloe. She wanted everything to be perfect when she presented her work. She did not know if Ryan would be sitting in on any of the meetings or not, but she was determined that if he was, he would know she was very serious about her work and not just in Dallas chasing a fantasy.

She might have been a fool thinking she could have a future with a man she had just met. But she had gotten a client out of the deal and she intended to make the client happy, even if she could not make the man happy. When she arrived at the airport, Jon was there to pick her up. “Mari is working today. She should be home by the time we get there. She arranged her schedule so that she can be off while you’re here, so that’s why she worked today.” Jon smiled as he took her bags and walked her to the Lincoln. He loaded her things, opened the door for her, and they were soon on the expressway.

“How are things, Jon?” she asked, curiously.

“Things couldn’t be better, hon. Jennifer has moved out of state after being threatened with harassment charges, and Marianne and I are back on track. The weekend in San Antonio was just what we needed. It gave us time to talk everything out. We’re happy as two honeymooners.”

“I am so glad to hear that. I was worried about the two of you, you know.”

“Katy, you always worry about all of us. But how about you? Any progress with Ryan?”

“It’s over. I’m working on a job, that’s all.”

Casting a sidelong glance in her direction, Jon replied, “Sorry, Katy, but I don’t buy that for a second.”

“I don’t have a choice, Jon. I’ll admit I have realized these last few months that I genuinely have feelings for him, but his phone call proved to me that he doesn’t share those feelings. He’s written us off as a couple. As far as he’s concerned, we are nothing more than friendly business associates. I have to accept that.”

“Typical Katy, always strong. No, you don’t have to accept that. You can tell him how you feel. You can tell him you want to Copyright 2016 - 2024