Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,90

gone, Chloe went in search of her brother-in-law.

“What did you say to her? You didn’t blow it, did you? I was serious about her taking this job. It would be a great load off me. Just because you’re a stubborn fool, don’t ruin things for the rest of us. I have had it with you, Ryan O’Grady. Up to here.” She held her hand up under her chin to demonstrate her frustration.

Ryan looked at her in shock as Shane entered the room. “Simmer down, Chloe, what’s wrong? I can hear you all the way in the dining room.”

“Chloe offered Katy a job as the O’Grady chain full time decorator. I was simply pointing out a few facts to Mrs. Barron about what taking the position would mean.”

“Which were?” Shane asked.

“I told her she’d have to give up any other clients she had, except for Angie, as that was a commitment made before she met us. I pointed out she may as well give up her new business and join the O’Grady payroll and she’d have to move to Dallas. And I mentioned that she would be answering to me if she took the position. All true. And all things she needs to consider.”

“All crazy! You are going to run her off. Just because you don’t want a relationship with her, you don’t have to treat her like an idiot. She is perfect for the job, and a good friend,” Chloe spouted.

“I have never said I didn’t want a relationship with her. I said it wasn’t going to happen.”

“Both of you calm down. Let’s let Katy think about it and reach her own decision. You two will accept whatever she decides. If she takes the position, you, big brother, will in no way make her life miserable. If she declines, you will accept it graciously and wish our friend well, Chloe. Is that understood?” Shane spoke in a stern voice.

Both Ryan and Chloe nodded.

There had never been animosity between his wife and his brother before, and Shane did not like it.

Meanwhile, Marianne drove Katy home. She decided to forego the movie as she got the feeling Katy needed to vent. When they arrived at the house, Katy went out to sit by the pool, while Marianne went into the kitchen. She carried a tray of iced tea and sandwiches out and set it on the table.

“Eat some lunch, Honey, and then for goodness sake, tell me what happened there today.”

“I just don’t get it. He doesn’t want anything to do with me. But he wants me to give up my life in Chicago, move to Dallas, and go to work for his company, reporting directly to him. He expects me to make those decisions.”

“He offered you the job? I thought Chloe did.”

“Originally she did, but then he told me all the details as he saw them. I don’t get it. And I more or less told him I didn’t know if a job was enough reason for me to uproot and move to Dallas.”

“Good for you, give him something to chew on for a while. But seriously, would you really consider moving out here and working for them? I mean it would be a great opportunity. They are really growing and going places and you’d be getting in basically from the ground up.”

“I have no idea, Mari. I’d have to speak to Alex, and there’s the house to think about. What if I moved here and it didn’t work out? What if we couldn’t work together after all?”

“Want my opinion?”

“Do I have a choice?”

“No, not really.” Mari laughed. “Seriously, I think you should go for it. You said you were ready to start a new life. Alex doesn’t live at home anymore. You just started your business, it isn’t even really off the ground yet. You don’t need that big house to take care of alone. You have friends here… And then there’s Ryan… Need I go on?”

“You make it sound so easy.”

“It is. You just make the decision and do it.”

Katy met with Chloe the next day. She told her in confidence she was going home to finish her work with Angie, speak to her son and place her home on the market. She was taking the position with the O’Grady chain and she was moving to Dallas. Ryan was not to know until it was a done deal. Chloe breathed a sigh of relief and promised not to say a word to Ryan. The women hugged, shook hands, and Copyright 2016 - 2024