Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,79

member of the ‘Fab Four’… ‘Fab Five’ now. It would make her feel like she really is one of us.”

“I’ll call her right now.” Lizzie picked up the phone and began dialing.

“What about Shane? Should we tell her to send him with Ryan?” Angie asked as she remembered Chloe’s handsome hubby.

“We wouldn’t want him to feel left out,” Katy agreed.

Chloe was touched to be included in the girls’ last night in Dallas. She quickly agreed to meet them at the suite. They had explained to her that it was going to be girl’s night in, with room service, lots of conversation, and maybe a chick flick.

“I’ll bring the dessert. See you later.” Chloe turned to find Shane and fill him in on the evening’s plans.

Now that everything was in place for the evening, the girls sat down to relax while waiting for Chloe to arrive. They would order dinner when she got to the suite and then the fun could begin.

At seven o’clock, the five men met at the hotel bar and found a table. They ordered a round of drinks.

Shane was the first to speak, “Thank you all so much. This is great. I haven’t had a guys’ night out for a long time. It feels good to get away from the restaurant for a while, right, Ryan?”

“Sure, bro. I really needed this male bonding, even though I’m not in the most talkative of moods tonight,” Ryan replied with a sigh.

“Ryan, whatever you need, we’re here for you. You’re one of us now, man,” Michael offered with a smile.

“Yeah, we know what you’re dealing with. It’s tough, but you’ll get through it. We’ll see to that,” Rex replied.

“We have all had a rough week, Ryan, but the ‘Fab Four’… ‘Five’ is worth it,” Jon said. “Rex, Michael, and I have known that for a long time.”

“I appreciate it more than you know, guys, but this is just something I never imagined in a million years. It’ll take me some time to come to grips with it.”

“Understood, just know that we’re here for you. You and Shane are welcome members to our group and we don’t include just anyone. You’re one of us now.”

The men spent the better part of the next few hours getting to know Ryan and Shane, and discussing the past week and all of its high and low points. They gave each other advice and shared a few laughs. Ryan actually felt much better when the evening had ended. He and Shane both felt like part of the crowd by the time the last round of drinks had been downed. He had Katy to thank for introducing him to such a great group of friends. They certainly had each had their share of problems with their lady loves this week. It felt good to be able to share with them. He and Shane discussed the other fellows on the ride home.

“Great group, aren’t they? And they’re all so close, for not seeing each other all that much,” Shane ventured. He hoped the evening had been good for Ryan. His brother deserved to be happy. And he deserved to have Katy in his life. If only he would see that.

“Yes, they are. The men in that group are just as special as the women. They are all just wonderful people.”

“Are you feeling any better about things, bro?”

“I know Katy thinks she wants to have a relationship with me. I’m just afraid that she will change her mind after she has had time to think about it all. It’s better to give us both some space than to rush headlong into something that might not last, because if we decide to move forward, I definitely want it to last. She is the woman I have been waiting for. I want us both to be sure. We have to see if this accident is going to come between us or not before we start anything.”

“I see your point, but Ryan, don’t keep her waiting too long. She’s a special lady and I would hate to see you lose her because you waited. I think she’s pretty sure of her feelings, from what she’s told Chloe.”

“She’ll be coming back to Dallas. We’ll have chances to talk again. But for now, I just need to keep my distance, as hard as that is to do. It’s the best thing for both of us.”

“Not going to see her off at the airport tomorrow?” Shane looked at his older brother.

“I can’t. It would Copyright 2016 - 2024