Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,78

it to her brother-in-law and said, “Drink it, bro, you look like you could use it this morning.” It was not like Ryan to drink too much, but if Chloe did not know better, she would swear he was nursing one heck of a hangover this morning. He must have tied one on after he got back to the condo last night.

Ryan was silent for most of the meeting, letting Chloe and Shane handle much of the details. He gave his opinion when asked and signed his name on the contract, then excused himself politely, apologizing again for his tardiness. He had met with Michael earlier and had gone for a walk to clear his head, resulting in his being late for this meeting. He was not normally a drinker and he was not normally late for meetings, but last night and this morning were an exception to both rules.

“Ryan, if you need to talk…” Rex offered politely.

“Thank you, Rex. Actually, Michael sent me a text a few minutes ago. We’re meeting for drinks later. If you’d like to join us, you’re more than welcome. I am meeting him at the hotel bar. He said the girls have a big evening planned for their last night in town together and he was at loose ends for the evening. I could really use the distraction, myself. We’re meeting at seven.”

“I’ll plan on it, then. See you later.” Rex looked at Lizzie and shook his head after Ryan had left the room.

Lizzie had managed to grab a few minutes alone with Chloe while Rex was talking to Ryan. She learned that Ryan had confided in Shane and Chloe a little last night. He had stopped by their place after dropping Katy at the hotel. He was, just as Katy had said, very confused and very torn. Chloe felt that in time, Ryan would be able to overcome his guilty feelings. She only hoped he would not wait too long. Katy was very special and Chloe would hate to see him lose her needlessly. Lizzie reassured Chloe that Katy was not the type to rush into things and maybe it would just be a matter of time before the two realized what they could have. She related that she knew Katy had strong feelings for Ryan, just in the short time that she had known him. The two friends said goodbye with a pact to see Katy and Ryan through this. Lizzie would be flying back to Dallas in a month to work on ads, so maybe things would be better by then.

As Lizzie and Rex headed back to the hotel, they discussed their friends’ situation.

“Do you think you can get Ryan to open up tonight?” Lizzie asked her husband.

“I don’t know. I’m sure that’s what Michael had in mind when he suggested they meet. But we don’t know Ryan all that well, yet. We’ll just have to let him make the first move, if he wants to talk. It will nice just to have a guy’s night out, anyway. Do you think Jon would want to join us?”

“Maybe, I can have Marianne call him when I get back to the hotel.”

They drove the rest of the way back to the hotel, enjoying their last day in the beautiful Texas sunshine. When they returned to Ohio, it would be to crisp, cool autumn weather.

When Lizzie entered the suite, she immediately told the girls about the men’s plan and asked Marianne if she thought Jon would want to join them. “I’ll give him a call right now. It’ll be nice for all the guys to get together.”

She called Jon. He was delighted to hear from her and agreed to meet the others at the hotel bar at seven. “And Mari,” Jon said as she was about to hang up the phone, “I love you. Thank you for including me.”

“Love you, too,” she said softly as she hung up. The words had come out much more easily than she would have imagined. Maybe they did have a chance to repair the damage that had been done to their marriage after all.

“It’s all set,” she said as she entered the living room of the suite. “Jon will join the others.”

“That’s good,” Angie said.

“Marianne, we were just wondering if we should invite Chloe over tonight. Do you think she could get away from the restaurant?” Lizzie asked.

“Well, that is what they have managers for, isn’t it? I think it’s a splendid idea, since she is an honorary Copyright 2016 - 2024