Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,77

may be gone for a while.” Angie walked in. She had finished her phone call to her secretary, Lynne, and had heard part of the conversation between Mari and Katy.

The three women walked through the mall, window shopping, and just enjoying their time together. Katy picked up a Texas tee shirt and a keychain for Alex, bought herself some jasmine-scented bath beads and watched as Angie scoured the entire Victoria’s Secret store for the perfect negligee for her honeymoon. Katy realized that evidently the wedding was going to be sooner rather than later from the sounds of it. That was wise. Those two had wasted enough time. Grab the golden ring while you can. You may never get the chance again, she thought wryly. They lunched in the food court at the mall, deciding to go back early to the suite and wait for Liz. Katy was anxious to hear about Ryan.

As they were walked into the lobby, Michael was entering from the direction of the elevators.

“Hi there, girls, are you enjoying the Texas sunshine?” he asked as he approached them. He leaned over and gave Angie a peck on the cheek and smiled at Marianne and Katy.

He certainly is a happy man these last few days, Katy thought enviously. Normally she would have been happy for him, but her senses were dulled by all that had taken place in her own life recently.

“We thought we had better check on Liz and see if she’s back yet.”

“I just came from the restaurant. I had some things to go over with the O’Gradys before I leave town. Rex and Liz were still there. I don’t know what was wrong with Ryan this morning. He looked pretty rough. I asked him if he wanted to talk about it, but he said he’d rather not.”

“That would be my fault, Michael. I told him some news last night that pretty much ended us before we began,” Katy explained and walked to the elevator. She got on and went ahead to the suite, leaving the others in the lobby.

“Do you think they’ll ever be able to work through this?” Angie asked with concern in her voice.

“Look at us, Baby, if we can do it, anyone can do it. Just give them some time. Ryan seems like a good guy. I got good vibes from him from the start.”

“I hope you’re right. It took Katy so long to find someone special. I just hate that it’s not working out for her.”

“They have to deal with it on their own. It would be a pretty bitter pill to swallow, finding out the connection they had in the past.”

“I still think it was fate that brought them together,” Marianne ventured. “But for what reason is the mystery.”

“You and your fate, I swear, Marianne.” Angie and Michael both laughed as they hugged their friend.

“Well, you girls had better go check on Katy. I may go back and see if I can buy Ryan a drink and get him to open up to me after his meeting with Lizzie and Rex this afternoon. He might welcome a friendly ear about now,” Michael offered. He wanted to help Katy in any way he could. She’d been a sympathetic listener and a good friend to him throughout the years.

“That would be so sweet of you, Michael.” Angie blew him a kiss as she headed for the elevator, trying in vain to hide her purchases from him. He pointed to the Victoria’s Secret package and gave her the thumbs up, causing her to blush again.

“Well, ma’am, I aim to please.” He winked at her as she got on the elevator to meet her friends. “And looks like you do, too. Honeymoon shopping is a good sign.” He smiled as he walked out into the autumn sunshine, whistling as he put on his sunglasses.


At a corner table in the private dining room of ‘Chloe’s Place,’ Lizzie, Rex, Chloe, and Shane were busily going over all the ads and the contracts, when Ryan sauntered in to join them. “Sorry I’m late.”

“Quite all right, Ryan.” Lizzie glanced at him as she spoke. He looked a little rough around the edges, like he had not slept well and maybe had one too many drinks the night before. Even so, he was still a very handsome creature. She could see why Katy was so drawn to him.

Chloe exchanged glances with Lizzie and rose to pour Ryan a mug of hot, black coffee from the server. She handed Copyright 2016 - 2024