Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,76

about each of her friends. They each had new plans to look forward to in the coming days and weeks. Michael and Angie were leaving early in the morning. They were driving back instead of flying. It would give them some time together before starting their work together. They were going to stop in Shreveport and tour a hotel at one of the casinos to get some ideas. They intended to spend the day there and head back to Iowa early Sunday morning. Angie had intended to be back at work on Monday, but really was not scheduled to be back until Tuesday, so she and Michael had decided to take full advantage of the extra day to be together. They were going to have a very full work load once they got back, so they might as well relax while they could. A road trip would be good for both of them.

Lizzie and Rex had discussed possibly taking a few extra days off. Rex had cleared his calendar before coming to Dallas. He was in need of a few days of rest and relaxation. They were flying out tomorrow afternoon to St. Louis and staying there for a few days and then flying home. That would give them some much needed time together before Lizzie began working at the agency.

Marianne would be taking Katy to the airport since it looked as if Ryan would not be. Katy would fly home on Saturday and begin working on her designs. There she would wait for Ryan’s call so she could make arrangements to come back to Dallas. She was glad Marianne had invited her to stay with her and Jon when she came back. She was sure she would need the support of her friend during that stay. Katy also would be making a trip to Iowa to meet with Angie. So she would have work and travel to fill her time while she recovered from this traumatic trip to Dallas. Would it be enough?

Marianne would be returning home to get her life back on track with Jon and was looking forward to a romantic getaway in San Antonio. Feeling slightly sorry for herself, Katy wondered when she would get a romantic getaway.

They had all promised to stay in touch with Chloe and to include her in their next get-together. That might be difficult. Katy would be the fifth wheel, so to speak. When those plans had been made, Katy thought Ryan would be at her side for all the future get-togethers.

What a week it had been, with each one of them at a crossroad in their lives. Marianne, Lizzie, and Angie had all chosen the turn in their road and were happy. Now that the week was winding down and they only had one more night together before heading back to their lives, it would be a special night for each of them. They savored their times together and looked forward to the next. They each had their own private thoughts and favorite times to remember. But this time, Katy would be going home with a heavy heart. She was still at her crossroad, unsure of which turn to take.

She finally forced herself to get out of bed, showered, dressed, and, bracing herself for the onslaught of questions from her friends, walked into the kitchenette. She helped herself to the coffee and rolls and sat down on a barstool to eat, looking around for the others. Lizzie must have left already for her meeting. Angie was on the phone. Marianne rose from the couch and joined Katy at the bar. Marianne patted her hand and asked quietly, “Did you get any sleep at all, honey?”

“A little, I think I dreamed a lot, but they were all mixed up,” Katy replied.

“If you want to talk, know that I’m here. But if you’re not ready, I won’t push. We’re going shopping at the mall later. Do you feel like going?”

“Not really, but I’ll go anyway. I want to pick up something for Alex from Texas. I can’t sit around moping forever. I might as well get on with my life. I met a man and it didn’t work out. No big deal.”

“Oh, I think it was more than that, don’t you, Katy? I think this was a very big deal for you. Don’t underplay it.”

“Let’s head to the mall, or are we waiting for Liz to get back?” Katy asked, changing the subject abruptly.

“No, I think we can go without Liz. She Copyright 2016 - 2024