Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,75

never wanted a man as much as she had wanted Ryan tonight.

The ride back to the hotel was a quiet one. When they pulled into the parking lot of the Prava, he parked the car and turned to her. “I do love you.” He took her into his arms and kissed her one last, sweet time. When he released her, he said, “I’ll call you. Think about what I said. I won’t say goodbye. I can’t.”

“I’ll wait for your call, then.”

He walked her to the elevator and then he was gone. Katy rode the elevator up to her floor. She held the tears in check until she reached the door of the suite. Everyone is going to get a happy ending but me. It just isn’t fair.

As she unlocked the door and entered the room, she fell into the waiting arms of her three closest friends. They allowed her to cry until she could cry no more. Then they led her to the couch, fixed her a drink and proceeded to listen as she told them the events that had taken place in Ryan’s living room.

Angie was the first to speak. “Honey, there’s still hope. Just give him time to come to grips with all of it.”

“Yes, Angie’s right, all is not lost. He’s in shock,” Lizzie agreed.

Marianne thoughtfully added, “Don’t give up, Katy. He did say that he loves you. He just has to find a way to deal with the guilt. Not so different from me and Jon.”

The girls got ready for bed. Lizzie whispered to Katy, “I’ll see Ryan at the meeting tomorrow. I’ll see how he’s doing, and if I can get Chloe alone, I’ll see if she’s talked with him.”

“Thank you, Liz, I’m so worried about him. I know that my feelings are not going to change, as he’s afraid they will. But I’m so worried that this has come between us forever.”

“Pray and have faith. It will all work out. I know it will.”

The girls said goodnight and turned out the lights. Sleep was a long time coming for Katy. She finally fell asleep in the early morning hours, dreaming mixed-up dreams of Bill, Bree, and Ryan.


Friday morning dawned bright with the Texas sunlight streaming brilliantly into the window of the bedroom.

Lizzie decided to let Katy sleep in, as she knew she had been awake most of the night tossing and turning. They shared a bedroom and Lizzie had heard her talking in her sleep from the next bed. Lizzie slipped quietly from her bed, showered and dressed for her meeting. When she went to kitchenette to make coffee, Marianne and Angie were already there. Angie poured a cup, handed it to Lizzie with a sweet roll, and inquired about Katy.

“She was apparently having nightmares all night. She tossed and turned and I heard her calling out for first Bill, then Bree, and finally for Ryan. I also heard her tell Ryan she loved him with all her heart,” Lizzie relayed sadly.

“Why in the world can’t Katy have any happiness in her life? She is the best person I know. She always is the one who helps all of us. She pulled herself up by her bootstraps when Bill died and went on with her life. She raised a wonderful son. Now, just when her life should be beginning a new chapter, she gets slapped down again. It’s just not fair,” Angie spouted angrily as she poured herself a second cup of coffee.

“I know, it doesn’t seem fair, but those two really do have a lot to work out before they could even begin to think of starting a relationship. There is a lot of baggage there. But all is not lost. Katy is starting an exciting new career,” Marianne replied.

“Take it from one who knows, a career does not keep you warm on a cold, winter’s night,” Angie answered with regret in her voice.

“Well, I need to get going. You guys keep an eye on her while I’m gone.” Lizzie prepared for her meeting with Rex and the O’Gradys. She grabbed her bag and the ads and went to meet Rex. Marianne and Angie agreed to stay with Katy until Lizzie returned. It was their last day together and they had made plans to do some last minute shopping later, but right now, Katy was their priority. The shopping would have to wait.

Katy was awake in the next room but not ready to face the day yet. She lay in bed thinking Copyright 2016 - 2024