Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,80

be too hard to see her get on that plane, knowing I may not see her again, other than on a business level. It’s better this way.”

“If you say so, just remember what I said.”

“I will.” Ryan sighed as he looked out the car window, obviously deep in his own thoughts.

Earlier in the evening, the girls had ordered room service, and enjoyed Chloe’s dessert while giggling like schoolgirls all evening. This was their night and they intended to enjoy it. Chloe was amazed. She envied them their years of closeness and wondered what it would have been like to have grown up with this bunch. She was grateful to be included now and intended to have as much fun as the rest of the girls. She told them a little about herself, and they filled her in on their lives. They talked of the restaurant, of the plans she had. They talked of their week in Dallas and all their personal dramas. The conversation eventually worked its way to Katy and Ryan.

“All I can tell you, Katy, is to be patient with my brother-in-law. He has been through a lot and so have you. You two have a special bond in more ways than one. Give him the time he asked for. That’s all you can do. And don’t give up on him. I hope to have you for my sis-in-law someday.”

Katy replied sadly, “That would be great… if it ever comes to that, Chloe. Rest assured, I don’t intend to give up on him. I’ll give him however much time he needs. I’m not going anywhere. He’s in my heart and that is where he’ll stay. Whether we go any further is something only time will tell.”

“I am so glad to hear you say that. I’ll do my part on this end to try and get him to come around. We’ll be seeing you again soon for work anyway. It’s not like you’re going back to Chicago and never coming back,” Chloe offered enthusiastically.

Lizzie, Marianne, and Angie listened to the conversation with interest. It was good that Katy had Ryan’s family in her corner.

The girls ordered a movie and spent the rest of the evening laughing and crying over the sappy chick flick. It was the perfect way to end their week together.

When the movie ended, Chloe hugged each of her new friends and thanked them again for including her in the festivities.

“Keep in touch. Marianne, you and I will have to get together for lunch sometime.”

“We definitely will,” Marianne answered with a smile.

“Angie, take care of Michael. We’ll try not to keep him in Dallas for too long when he comes back to work on the expansion.”

Angie laughed as she hugged Chloe. “At least I’ll know he’s in good hands.”

“Lizzie, I’ll see you in about a month. Keep up the good work on the ads.”

“You can bet on it, I can’t wait to get busy. It’ll be good to see you again so soon, too.”

“And Katy, please, keep your chin up. It will all work out. You and Ryan are going to be together. I just know it.”

“Thanks for everything, Chloe. I’ll see you soon with some more designs.” The two girls hugged and vowed to call each other often.

With that, Chloe was out the door and headed home. The other four went in to pack and prepare for their departure tomorrow. Lizzie’s cell phone rang as she was closing her suitcase. It was Cara. Lizzie had left her a message earlier to tell her that she and Rex would not be home for a few more days. Her daughter was returning the call.

“Hi, Honey. Did you get my message?”

“Yes, Mom, I was out. I think it’s great you and dad are taking a few days together. And way to go, Mom, for pulling together that ad campaign all on your own and springing it on Dad. That was awesome. Dad said you might go to work in the agency.”

“Yes, that’s the plan.”

“Well, just so long as you’re not too busy to help me plan a wedding. I got engaged tonight.”

“Oh, Cara, that’s wonderful. Nick’s family must be thrilled.”

“Mom… I’m not marrying Nick. We decided several months ago that we were just friends, nothing more. It was a mutual agreement. He’s very happy for me.”

“Not marrying Nick? Then who, Cara? I didn’t realize you were even seeing anyone else. Are you sure about this, Honey? It seems so sudden.”

“Mom, don’t worry. Enjoy your trip. When you get home, Copyright 2016 - 2024