Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,68

you said something was going on.”

Lizzie proceeded to fill Rex in on all that was happening in the lives of her three friends as he listened in awe.

“I just want you to be in the loop before you see the girls, or any of the guys, for that matter.”

“It sounds like it has been an eventful week for all of you. But I would expect no less from the ‘Fab Four.’ Some things never change.” Rex laughed as he leaned over and gave his wife a quick kiss on the cheek. “Any chance we can sneak into that room of mine for an hour or so before you go back to the girls? I have missed you, Lizzie girl.”

“I think that can be arranged.” She laughed as she reached over and touched his hand. It seemed like they had had so little time together in recent months, she welcomed a chance to steal away for an hour with him, even if it meant taking some time away from her friends. They were all busy and probably would not even notice what time she got back from the airport anyway. Katy was worrying about tonight. Marianne was lost in her thoughts about Jon. And Angie had her head in the clouds thinking about a wedding in the not-so-distant future. They would never miss her. And she and Rex so needed this time together.

They returned to the hotel, got Rex checked in and snuck up the stairs so the girls would not see that they had returned already.

“This is just like in college, sneaking around the dorms,” Lizzie remembered fondly.

“Sneaking always did make it more exciting.” Rex winked at Lizzie.

He unlocked the door of his suite, set his bags on the floor and took his wife in his arms.

A few hours later, as Lizzie was preparing to return to her friends, Rex surprised her, “I have a surprise for you. I arranged to take a few days off from the agency. I figured while we’re both out here, we should make a mini vacation out of it, after the other girls head back home. Finish your visit with them and then we’ll take a little detour on the way home and stop somewhere for a few days. We haven’t had time for a vacation in a while. It will be good for us. Don’t you agree?”

Lizzie was touched. “Rex, I think it’s a great idea. Are you sure you can be gone from the agency?”

“I worked long hours while you’ve been gone to get caught up. I’m ready for the break. I figured this would be the perfect opportunity. Especially if you’re going to start working after we get back home. There will be trips back and forth to Dallas involved in this new account of yours, you know. We’re going to be very busy.”

“It’s settled then. Mini vacation it is. I really better get back to the girls so I can get ready for dinner. Meet us in the lobby at seven.” Lizzie went into the bathroom to make herself presentable to meet the girls, and left Rex with a long and lingering kiss.

“To remember me by until you see me again,” she laughed.

“As if I could forget you after this afternoon. See you at seven, Sexy.” He smiled as she let herself out of the suite. What a woman my wife is. Taking the bull by the horns and doing the ads for the O’Gradys like that. She is wonderful, in every way.

Lizzie smiled to herself as she headed back to the suite to get ready for the evening’s festivities. The time alone with her husband had been just what they both needed. Perhaps her going to work in the agency would free up some time for him and they could spend more time together like the past few hours.

When Lizzie entered the suite, Angie was sitting on the couch. “Hi, I’m waiting for my turn in the bathroom. How did it go with Rex?”

Lizzie blushed slightly as she said, “It went well. Unless he just absolutely hates my work after he sees my ideas and we meet with the O’Gradys, I’m officially on the payroll. And he suggested that after you all go back home, we take a little mini vacation on our way home. That was music to my ears, since he’s been working so much lately.”

“Sounds like things are working out, then. Gone for quite a while, weren’t you, Lizzie?” Angie teased.

“Hush now, Angie,” Lizzie teased back Copyright 2016 - 2024