Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,67

the week coming to an end. The girls had ordered salads again, even Lizzie.

“I agree. Maybe we should include the guys, since they seem to want to be a part of our reunions.” Angie laughed. “And since we have guys to include,” she added with a giggle.

“Maybe…” Katy answered.

“I’m sorry. I’m so happy that I forgot that you still have unresolved issues with your guy. Please forgive me.”

“It’s quite all right, Angie. If it’s meant for Ryan and me to work out our problems, then we will. If not, then it was fun for the short time I’ve gotten to know him.”

“Glad to hear you are being so realistic about this, Katy. I have been a bit worried about this whole Ryan thing,” Lizzie admitted.

“Now, Lizzie, stop playing the mama role with me. Save that for Cara and her love life. I’m a big girl and I can handle whatever happens. I’m not quite as fragile as you all think I am. You all think that when it comes to my own issues, I’m a marshmallow,” Katy good-naturedly admonished her friend.

They all laughed at the mere thought of Katy as a marshmallow and finished the rest of the meal with pleasant conversation. They headed back to the room to decide what they were going to wear to dinner. Soon it was time for Lizzie to leave. She was still a little nervous about facing Rex for the first time since she had pulled the O’Grady incident. Over the phone, he had been fine, but he may be saving up for when he saw her in person. She would find out soon enough. It was almost time for his plane to land at Love Field. He would be arriving at a different airport than the girl’s flight since he had not been able to get a flight into DFW at the time he needed.

Lizzie wanted to allow herself plenty of time to arrive. She made it with time to spare and found the appropriate gate to await Rex’s arrival. According to the schedule posted above her head, his flight was running on schedule, so he should be arriving any minute now. A few minutes later she saw him coming toward her with a smile on his face. That was a good sign. They kissed hello and headed to collect his baggage.

After they were settled in the rental car and back on the expressway, he finally spoke. “So what made you decide to do this ad all by yourself, Lizzie?”

She took a deep breath and responded, “It just seemed like the thing to do at the time. We were talking, and Chloe, one of the owners, mentioned that they were looking for an interior designer and that they needed to find a new ad agency. How ironic that Katy was planning to start up a design business and we own an ad agency. I offered to bring her some ideas the next day when Katy met with her to show her some designs. Katy and I both stayed up all night working, while Marianne and Angie made coffee and offered opinions. Then when I met with the O’Gradys, they liked my general concept, and working together, we came up with something that we were all pleased with. It all just sort of happened rather quickly.”

“I have to admit I was more than a little surprised and skeptical when you called. I’m anxious to see your ideas. Not that I don’t believe for a minute that they are good. I just wasn’t expecting you to do something like that. You really are amazing, you know, Kid.”

“Thank you, Rex. I worried about what you would think, but it all seems to be working out. I will be on pins and needles until you see my ideas.”

“If the O’Gradys are satisfied, that’s all that really matters. They’re the client, not me.”

“I still want your opinion of my work. If I’m going to be working in the agency, you need to see what I can do just like you would any prospective employee. By the way, I booked you a room at the Prava. Michael has a room there and so does Jon.”

“Jon? Doesn’t he live near Dallas?”

“It’s a long story, which I’ll explain to you before we get to the hotel. He booked the room last night. Today is his day off, so I’m sure he will go back home after dinner tonight. Remember when you called yesterday and I had to cut you short?”

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