Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,66

She and Katy exchanged a look of understanding.

Marianne spoke up, “I invited Jon to have dinner with us tomorrow night. He had wanted to spend some time with all of you while you were in town, so I hope you don’t mind that I asked him. His reason for being here tonight in the first place was to treat us all to dinner. And we all know how that turned out.”

“As long as it’s comfortable for you, we would love to see him again. I really am looking forward to tomorrow night’s dinner now that we all have our problems behind us,” Angie answered her friend cheerily.

Katy thought to herself, Not all of us have their problems worked out, but she kept quiet. She really did not want to think about it tonight.

“And wasn’t that weird, Jon and Michael meeting up in the bar and getting together to drown their sorrows?” Lizzie mentioned.

“Yes, I asked Jon about that. It was strange. Did you get a chance to call Rex back, by the way?”

“Yes, I did. I’m just a little bit nervous about showing him my work tomorrow. I think he’s still in shock that I landed this account without him. He’s probably scared to death to see what I came up with.”

“I think you just took him off guard when you secured that account all on your own. You know how men are.”

“I hope he likes my ideas.”

“Well, the O’Gradys liked them, so surely Rex will go along with it.”

“Speaking of the O’Gradys, Katy, are you ready for your talk with Ryan?”

Well, I guess I am going to have to talk about it anyway. “As ready as I’ll ever be, I suppose. I just need to get it over with and see where we go from there. He may not want to have anything to do with me for a while, if ever. I will just have to accept that and hope he changes his mind.”

“I think it’s time for lights out. We all need to spend tomorrow making ourselves beautiful for tomorrow night. I say we all go for a massage, facial, manicure, pedicure, the whole bit.”

“I think we deserve that.”

“Sounds like heaven to me.”

“I agree.”

And with that thought, they called it a night and Lizzie and Katie went back to their bedroom. Three of them feeling just a little more relieved that their problems might be starting to be behind them and Katy still facing hers.

Tomorrow is another day, as Scarlett O’Hara would say, Katy thought as she drifted off to dreamland.


Thursday morning arrived and the four girls woke to another sunshiny, autumn Texas day. They were out the door early for their day at the spa. They needed to be finished in time for Lizzie to get to the airport and pick up Rex.

It’ll be nice to see Rex again, Katy thought. Funny, how the guys seemed to always end up being a part of their reunions. And this year, Katy would have a guy too, at least for a little while. She wondered how that situation would turn out. All she could do now was hope for the best.

“This is just what I needed,” Marianne remarked to Lizzie, who lay on the massage table next to hers.

“I know just what you mean. This is the life, isn’t it?” Lizzie replied.

After their massages, they headed into another area for their facials and then on to the nail techs for their pedicures and manicures. They were enjoying their time together immensely and hated to see it come to an end. It was such a shame they had all settled in different states after college and marriages took place. Jobs have moved us, but luckily we’ve always been able to remain close, Katy mused as she lay on the massage table. They all knew it would be coming to an end in a few days, as each of them returned to their lives in different cities. Of course, Katy would be getting together soon with Angie to work on the designs for the hotel, and Lizzie would be working on the O’Grady account so she would be coming back to Dallas and would get together with Marianne while there. So will I, Katy hoped.

The foursome stopped in a small cafe after the spa visit for a quick lunch before Lizzie left for the airport.

“You know, we really need to plan to get together again soon. We shouldn’t wait so long next time,” Marianne mentioned as she thought about Copyright 2016 - 2024