Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,65

belonged together.”

“Yes, hopefully, they can get past this and find their way back together. It’s where they belong. We have all thought that for years. Oh, you should also know about Katy and Ryan O’Grady before we go to dinner tomorrow night.” She proceeded to tell Jon the story of Ryan and Katy meeting and all that had happened in the days since.

“Wow, what a coincidence. Who would have ever thought that could happen? I hope it works out for them. Katy deserves to be happy after all this time and this Ryan sounds like a decent guy. Lizzie have any deep, dark secrets that I need to know about before this big dinner?”

“Only that she got the O’Grady account on her own and told Rex afterward. He is flying out to seal the deal. She wants to work in the agency and was hoping this would prove to him that she was capable.”

“Some things never change, do they?” he laughed. “The ‘Fab Four’ strikes again.”

“Ryan told me to invite you. I wasn’t going to tell you, but now that we’ve talked, I think it would be wonderful if you join us, especially with Rex and Michael there. It’ll be just like old times.”

“I look forward to it then. Sounds like a fun time. I hope Michael and Angie worked things out though.”

“So do I.”

“Go back to your friends now, Honey, I’ll use the time for some much-needed rest and relaxation. It has been a killer week in the OR, not to mention the strain of tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow. Call me with the details about dinner. Babe?” he asked.

“Yes, Jon?”

“Thank you for listening to my side of the story. I do love you.”

“I love you too. I’ll call you tomorrow. Get some sleep.”

Marianne let herself out of the suite and slowly walked to the elevator. All was right with her world again. She could not wait to tell her friends, especially Katy.


When Marianne entered the suite, the lights were out and it appeared that everyone had gone to bed. She put down her purse and went into the small kitchenette to get a drink of water.

As she entered the bedroom she shared with Angie, she saw that the other three were in their pajamas, seated on the bed and apparently having a good old-fashioned ‘Fab Four’ gab fest, or ‘fab fest’ as the guys liked to call it.

“May I join in?” she asked.

“Of course, get into your PJ’s and start talking, girl. You seem in better spirits than you were earlier. Is everything okay now?” Lizzie asked.

Marianne answered her friend as she pulled on a nightshirt and jumped onto the bed.

“Things are better. I have chosen to believe him that nothing happened other than one kiss. He realizes he should have told me about it from the start. It would have saved a lot of heartache and misunderstanding, not to mention bottles of wine. I would say things are good. He may have to take legal action against Jennifer though if she doesn’t stop harassing him. Oh, and the best part is, Jon is taking me to San Antonio next weekend. We are going to relax, stroll the Riverwalk, and get romantic…”

“Honey, it’s so good to see you smiling again. But you have to trust Jon from now on. You know that, don’t you?” Angie asked.

“Yes, I know. By the way, speaking of trust, how did your talk with Michael go?”

Angie was grinning from ear to ear. “We are going to work it out. It was very intense. We spent some heart-wrenching hours talking and crying together, but it’s all out in the open now. I may be inviting you all to a wedding one of these days. We’re planning to remarry, but haven’t decided yet if it will be a private ceremony or not. By the way, he said you and Lizzie paid him a visit. Now why does that not surprise me, the old matchmaking game?”

“You aren’t angry with us, are you?” Marianne asked.

“Of course not, silly. Maybe what you said to him helped. I’m grateful to anyone who’s helped us through this horrible time. He said Jon also gave him advice. He even called my mom. Katy, I’m surprised you didn’t get in on this.”

“I guess I was too tangled up in my own problems this time. I hope I didn’t let you down, Angie,” Katy replied.

“Of course not, you can’t be the one who solves everyone’s problems all the time, you crazy kid.” Copyright 2016 - 2024