Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,64

doesn’t stop her, I will also file a restraining order against her. I realized tonight that she’s beginning to become a danger to my happy home in spite of the fact that I want nothing to do with her. She is becoming a stalker and I will take action against that if it doesn’t stop.”

“You make it sound so scary. I hope she’s not like the stalkers I’ve heard about. Surely she’ll leave you alone after you had security escort her off the premises tonight.” Marianne looked away, embarrassed, before admitting, “I thought you and she came here together to flaunt your affair in my face.”

“That is not the way it happened and I can’t believe you’d think that of me anyway. I should be angry with you for that one. That’s what I was trying to explain to you earlier, but you were so mad, you wouldn’t listen. I haven’t seen you mad like that for a long time. I kind of liked it. It was pretty hot, in fact. Shows me you were jealous and that you really do still care,” he cautiously teased her, as he pulled her closer and planted a kiss on the top of her head.

“I was furious with you. I had been contemplating all week about how I was going to approach you with the fact that I knew what was going on. Of course, I thought there really was something going on. Then, when I saw the two of you in the lobby, I thought the worst.” She leaned up and kissed him, a deep and passionate kiss to reaffirm their commitment.

“Is there any chance that you would be interested in a trip to San Antonio next weekend? I’m not on call and I can’t think of anything more romantic for a couple of Texans than strolling along the Riverwalk in the moonlight. We can go into that Piano Bar you liked so well the last time we were there. It will give us a chance to put this whole stupid misunderstanding behind us. I think my lady could use a weekend of pampering after the last few months of aggravation I unknowingly put you through. What do you say?”

“I say let’s go for it. We haven’t been down there in a while and I think it will be good for both of us. Jackson will be at school and I’m sure Jordan can stay at Dustin’s house. I’ll give Dustin’s mom a call when I get home.”

“I’ll make the reservations, then. All you need to do is get Jordan taken care of, pack, and prepare to be pampered and wooed.” He glanced at his watch. “You probably need to get back to your friends, unless you want to stick around here for a while… We do have this nice big suite to ourselves.”

“Next weekend is for that… This week is for the girls. You need to get some rest, anyway. You look tired,” she teased as she leaned up to kiss her husband goodnight.

“So, we’re good, then?” He kissed her again.

“We are more than good, Dr. Jon. We are very good.”

“It’s a shame to waste the suite I just paid for, so I think I’ll stay here tonight and rest. Jordan is at Dustin’s. I’m off tomorrow, so it’ll be nice to have some quiet time, since you refuse to join me.”

“You will get your turn, Casanova. I only have a few more days with my friends, so let me enjoy them. Oh, that reminds me. You’re invited to have dinner with all of us tomorrow evening at the O’Gradys’s restaurant. You’ll be able to see Rex. He’s flying in, and you’ll be able to meet the O’Grady family. Katy, Lizzie, Rex and Michael are all going to be working with them actually. I think you’ll like them. They’re good people.”

“Sounds like a plan, since I didn’t get to treat you girls to dinner tonight as I had hoped.”

“How did you and Michael end up together, by the way? Such a surprise, seeing him here in Dallas, wasn’t it?”

“I decided when I left the suite that I was not going home until I had a chance to talk with you again. I was going to give you some time to cool off, so I went into the bar and ran into Michael. We talked and had dinner and a few drinks. He and Angie are having a rough time of it, too, I hear. I always thought the two of them Copyright 2016 - 2024