Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,69

with a smile.

Katy and Marianne entered the room. “Got the man off the plane ok, I guess?” Marianne asked.

“Yes, got him off the plane and settled into his room. I told him to meet us in the lobby at seven. I also filled him in on all that has been happening around here this week.”

“Wow, I bet that took a little time.” Katy laughed.

“You notice she was gone for quite a while,” Angie teased wickedly.

Lizzie blushed as the others just shook their heads.

“You both look fantastic. I guess we had better be getting ready too. Come on, Angie. You can have the shower first.” Lizzie laughed, happy to change the subject.

The two of them headed into the other room to take turns getting ready. Soon, the four friends were ready to go. They all looked stunning once again as they prepared to leave for the restaurant.

They were all looking forward to the evening except Katy. Oh, she was looking forward to the dinner and spending time with Ryan and her friends, but she was not looking forward to what would happen after dinner when she had to tell Ryan the truth about her identity. She hoped she could make it through dinner without appearing as nervous as she felt.

Heading into the lobby, they noticed that Michael, Jon, and Rex were all together seated in the lobby talking. It was good to see the three of them catching up and smiling.

As the girls walked up to them, Michael let out a slow whistle. “What do you think, men? Are we escorting the four most gorgeous women in Dallas tonight, or what?”

The other two men heartily agreed.

“You flirt!” Angie teasingly smacked Michael on the arm.

Jon looked at Marianne and smiled. “You look good, Baby. May I take your arm and escort you to your waiting chariot?”

She took his arm and smiled back at him. “You certainly may, kind sir.”

Rex looked at Katy and Lizzie and remarked, “Looking at them now, you would never know that those four have had a bad week, would you?” He linked arms with his wife.

“I’m anxious for you to meet Ryan. I want to know what you think of him, Rex,” Katy said as she took Rex’s other arm.

“I’m looking forward to it, Katy, my dear,” he answered her with a kindly smile.

The men had decided that Jon would drive the Lincoln, since all seven of them could ride in it comfortably.

The ride to the restaurant was pleasant and enjoyable. The evening is starting well, Katy thought. But how will it end?


The group arrived at ‘Chloe’s Place’ in high spirits, anticipating a merry evening with their new friends.

As they entered the restaurant, Ryan stood in the front foyer, ready to greet them. “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. And how are we all doing tonight?” he asked with a grin and a wink in Katy’s direction.

“We are doing just fine, sir.” Katy’s eyes sparkled as she answered the handsome man standing before her. She felt a slight twinge as she remembered what she had to tell him later this evening. I hope he will be able to deal with the news. In the few short days she had known him, he had become a very important new part of her life. For the next few hours, he is still mine and I intend to make the best of it. Resigned to putting the unpleasantness out of her mind, she took her place at his side as his date for the evening.

“Ryan O’Grady, I would like for you to meet my husband, Rex Hart,” Lizzie proudly introduced the two men.

“I’m very pleased to meet you, Rex. You have a very talented wife here. We’re anxious to meet with the two of you tomorrow to sign the contract for the new ads.” Ryan extended his hand to Rex.

As the two men shook hands, Rex replied, “It’s nice to finally meet you, Ryan. I have heard nothing but good things about you from the ‘Fab Four.’ Oh, by the way, you’ll have to get used to these four gals. They are quite a handful.”

Ryan laughed and said, “It will be a pleasure to get to know all of you better. And I’m looking forward to the chance to do just that.” He reached for Katy’s hand, smiling down at her.

“I’m very happy to be working with you and your family on this project. I wasn’t expecting to be branching out to Texas, but am excited to be doing so.”

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