Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,59

to leave. “I will leave you ladies to your girl talk now. Have fun and I’ll see all of you tomorrow night.” He leaned over and gave Katy a kiss on the forehead. “Sorry, couldn’t resist.” He grinned at them as he waved goodbye.

The ‘Fab Four’ watched in awe as he walked out of the room. He really was taken with their little Katy. It was quite obvious he was interested in starting something with her. And it was such a shame that it probably would never happen.

“You have to tell him soon, before this goes any further, Kate,” Lizzie said as Ryan walked out the door.

“I know. I plan to tell him tomorrow night, after dinner. I just hope he can handle the information.” Katy sighed as she thought about how she would break the news to him.

“And to think our little Katy is the woman who stole the heart of Dallas’s most eligible bachelor. Way to go, girlfriend.” Marianne laughed for the first time all evening.

Angie went white all of a sudden. She gasped.

“What in the world?” Marianne followed her friend’s gaze and saw what had alarmed her. Jon and Michael were seated at a table across the room, apparently in deep conversation.

“Probably commiserating about how we ruined their lives,” Marianne said grudgingly.

“Forget about them. We’re here to have dinner and a good time. If they see us, we will deal with it then,” Lizzie advised her friends. “No use starting something here in the bar.”

“She’s right. I am starved,” Angie answered. She would not let Michael Gray ruin her evening with her friends. In a few days it would be time for them all to go home and face their lives. Tonight was for the four girls.

“Angie, we need to decide when you want me to come to Iowa and meet with you about the designs for your hotel,” Katy subtly changed the subject.

“I’ll check my schedule when I get back home and get with you on that. I know you’ll be coming back to Dallas to work with Ryan too. I am so excited about us working together.”

“I’ll be coming back to Dallas if all goes well with Ryan tomorrow night,” she replied quietly. “He may ask me to bow out of the project, though.”

“Now, now, we’re not going to discuss our problems tonight, remember?” Lizzie chided.

And on that note, the girls ordered their dinners and began indulging in light, fun conversation. At least they tried. Given their individual circumstances, it was not an easy task.

“Well, would you look at that?” Michael asked as he spied the table of four.

“What?” Jon asked distractedly.

“The famous ‘Fab Four’ is dining in this very room. Obviously, they haven’t seen us or the fireworks would have started by now.”

“Either that, or they’re simply ignoring us.”

“I’ll let them finish their dinner in peace, then little Miss Angie and I are going to have some words. We have to get this thing settled before we start work on her big project next week.”

“Don’t do or say anything you’ll regret, my friend. I need to try and convince my wife to talk to me too, because I can’t go home with this dark cloud hanging over us.”

The two men agreed to wait until the girls had finished their dinner before making a move. As the girls were bantering back and forth, laughing and apparently having a good time, the two men at the table across the room watched and waited patiently. They paid for their drinks and food, and when they saw the waiter take the check to the girls, they rose from their seats and headed straight to their table.

“So, are you stalking us now?” Marianne asked coldly as Jon walked up to the table and stood by her chair.

“Marianne, stop it. We have to talk and you know it. I’m going to book a suite and you and I are going to go there and hash this thing out right now.”

“Oh, can you get your girlfriend out of the suite long enough for us to talk, or is she going to join us? I don’t think I’d be interested in a threesome. She’s not my type.” Mari could have bitten off her tongue. Why on earth am I being such a shrew? I am pretty certain by now that Jon is telling the truth.

Jon sighed as he replied calmly, “There is no suite with a girl in it. I am going to the desk right now to try to book one Copyright 2016 - 2024