Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,60

for us… you and me… We’re going to talk and then you can join your friends to finish your vacation. But I am not going home tonight without talking to you about this. The air needs to be cleared once and for all. This whole thing is just downright ridiculous and you know it.” He was growing more perturbed with each passing minute.

“You do what you want, Jonny boy, but I think everything has been said.” Marianne was still very angry with him in spite of the fact she believed him. Angry that he had put her through months of agonizing. If he had told her the truth to begin with, it would have saved her a lot of grief.

“The problem with that is you didn’t listen to what was said.” And on that note, Jon walked out of the bar and straight to the front desk to book a suite. I have to get her to listen to reason. She was acting so flippantly with him in front of her friends. I have to get her alone and try to get her to hear what I am saying. Nothing happened. How many times do I have to keep saying it before she will believe it? Then it hit him like a ton of bricks. This would explain the drinking problem.

“Angie, you and I have to talk also. I would appreciate it if you would accompany me back to my room for a little while.” Michael looked at Angie with sadness in his eyes.

“Of course I will, Michael. I realize that we have things to discuss before we go back to Iowa next week. I just want to make sure Marianne is going to be all right and then I will meet you.”

That was easier than I thought it would be. Michael thought. But how in the world am I going to handle the situation when I get her alone?

“Marianne, you have to calm down and listen to what Jon has to say,” Angie said. “Please, don’t be the fool I was fifteen years ago and throw away your life. If there is any way to salvage your marriage, you need to find it. And that is all I am going to say, other than good luck. I love you.” Angie gave her friend a quick hug.

“I love all of you too and I will listen to him. I just have to find a way to control this horrible anger I have inside of me. I can’t seem to stop myself from lashing out at him.”

“That’s totally understandable. He apparently thought it wasn’t worth mentioning, but he seems to be willing to admit that it was wrong not to tell you anyway. You need to find it in your heart to forgive him, if you want to stay married to him. You can’t continue the bitterness, or you’ll both be miserable for the rest of your lives. You’ve wasted months agonizing over an affair that never happened,” Katy cautioned her friend. “Maybe he was trying to spare you. It had to be aggravating for him to have her harassing him all the time.”

“Good luck to you both. We’ll wait up for you. I need to give Rex a call back to discuss the ads for the O’Gradys with him before he arrives tomorrow. I didn’t really have a chance earlier when he called.” Lizzie got up from the table.

“And I need to give some thought to how I am going to tell Ryan what I need to tell him tomorrow night. So I’ll see both of you later this evening. Follow your hearts, both of you,” Katy said as she hugged them both and got up to follow Lizzie back to the suite. As she walked into the suite, her thoughts were racing. Hopefully they are going to work things out, and then I can go home at the end of the week knowing that all is well in the lives of my friends once again. Too bad things won’t be well in my life by then.

Angie prepared to face Michael in his suite. She told Marianne she would walk her out to the lobby to meet Jon. “And then you’re on your own.”

“Thank you, Angie. I will remember what you said. Good luck with Michael.”

Angie smiled and walked toward the elevator. Please, God, let Michael be willing to forgive me for what I did to him all those years ago. She reached his suite and timidly knocked on the Copyright 2016 - 2024