Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,58

on the other side of the room.

As the four girls looked at their menus, Katy happened to look up and spotted Michael and Jon sitting together. She decided it best not to say anything to the others just yet. Apparently, they had not noticed the two men. As if on cue, Ryan O’Grady chose that moment to enter the room. This was going to be a very interesting evening, indeed.

She would have welcomed having him here to enjoy the dinner with her friends under normal circumstances. Instead, she had the dreaded feeling that she would be spending this Wednesday evening controlling the fireworks that were sure to be just around the corner. What a strange reunion this was turning out to be. Her friends needed her to be the strong, helpful one once again, but this time, she also needed guidance. I’ll just have to work on getting them settled and then I can concentrate on my own dilemma.


Heads turned as Ryan O’Grady walked across the room. His looks and charisma made him a very attractive man and every woman in the bar had noticed that fact. He knew where he was headed, though, and gave no notice to any of the other women in the bar. He spotted Katy’s table and walked straight to her.

“Pardon me for intruding, ladies. I found that I just couldn’t wait until tomorrow to see Katy, so I thought if you would permit me, I’d buy y’all a drink. Then I will leave you to your girl time,” he announced as he stood beside Katy and smiled.

“We’ll always take a free drink from a handsome man. Pull up a chair, Ryan,” laughed Lizzie as she looked to Katy for approval. Katy nodded.

He took a seat at the table with them. “When I spoke to you on the phone earlier and you said you had plans for this evening, I was disappointed, even though I know you’re in Dallas to spend time with your friends. So I thought this way, I could spend a little time with you and still give you time with Lizzie, Marianne, and Angie.”

Katy blushed and then replied, “Perfectly all right, Ryan. I’m glad to see you. Did you have a busy day at the restaurant? And how is it that you were able to sneak out tonight by the way, after being gone last night?”

“We try to take turns being at the restaurant. That way none of us gets burned out. Chloe took off and did some shopping earlier in the day, so she is covering for me tonight. And I think my sister-in-law approves of you, so that makes it much easier for me to get away. In the old days, she wasn’t so agreeable at times.” He grinned mischievously.

Chloe did more than shop this morning, thought Katy, remembering her conversation with his sister-in-law when they had coffee earlier. She turned her attention back to Ryan.

“Lizzie’s husband is flying in tomorrow to talk with you about the ads. So we’ll all be at the restaurant tomorrow night. You will be there, won’t you?” Katy teased.

“That’s what I hear. And, yes, my yellow rose, I will be there with bells on.” He smiled and took her hand in his as he spoke. “Michael will be there, as well, I believe. Marianne, you should have your husband join us. You live in the Dallas area, don’t you?”

Marianne paled and replied, “Yes, as a matter of fact we do. I am not sure if he will be able to make it or not.”

“Well, the invitation is open. If he can, he is more than welcome. We should all get to know each other. Some of us will be working together, and if Katy and I are going to become an ‘item’ I need to get to know her friends.” He winked at Katy as he added the last comment. She blushed again and smiled up at him.

I wonder if he will still want to become an ‘item’ when I tell him who I really am. She was going to have to do that soon. Tomorrow night after the dinner was when she had decided to tell him. She did not want to ruin the dinner. It was going to be hard enough with Angie and Michael there together and with Marianne and Jon at odds. Oh, I need to get those two gals in gear so I can concentrate on my own woes.

After a few drinks and polite conversation, Ryan rose Copyright 2016 - 2024