Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,57

sat on the couch beside Marianne. The other two also sat down.

When Marianne had calmed herself, she told them about the conversation she and Jon had just had.

“Did it ever occur to you that he might just be telling you the truth?” Angie warily asked her heartbroken friend.

“I was so mad at him, I just couldn’t think straight. All I wanted to do was lash out at him. After keeping this bottled up inside me for all these months and trying to decide how to handle the situation, it just all came pouring out of me, all the hurt and anger. I didn’t want to hear a word he had to say. When I saw the two of them in the lobby together, I naturally thought the worst. Do you think he might have really been telling the truth?” Marianne looked to her friends for advice.

“That is all understandable, but you really need to hear him out again, when you are calmer. Maybe he really was telling the truth,” Angie answered.

“That’s right. I just don’t believe Jon could be that vindictive, to bring her here, of all places,” Katy said.

“Let’s get ourselves looking presentable and go down to the bar, have a few drinks, have dinner. Maybe if you get your mind off this for a while, you will be calm enough to talk to Jon civilly,” Lizzie suggested.

“Good idea,” Angie agreed. The other two nodded in agreement and the four friends began to get ready.

Meanwhile, Jon, who was still in shock at finding out that Marianne had known for months about Jennifer, not to mention the fact that she really believed he could betray her, headed for the bar. I am not leaving here tonight without getting her to understand. She has to listen to me. I’ll just have a few drinks and then go back up to the suite. Maybe the other girls could get her to listen to him. Katy had always been good at solving everyone else’s problems.

As he walked into the bar, he saw a familiar face sitting on a stool. It was Michael Gray, of all people. What is he doing in Dallas? Does he know that Angie is here with the ‘Fab Four?’

Jon walked over to his old friend and, giving him a slap on the back, said, “Long time, no see, old friend. What brings you to the Lone Star state?”

Michael looked up and grinned. “Hey, Doc, how goes it?”

“Not good, I’m afraid. I’m about to lose my happy home.” He ordered a scotch on the rocks and began telling his tale of woe to his old friend.

“Wow, you really are in a mess, aren’t you, pal?” Michael commented, realizing he was not the only one with problems, even though it felt that way.

“So did you know that Angie is here?” Jon asked.

Michael proceeded to tell Jon what had happened between him and Angie in the last few days. He told the whole sad story in a somewhat shortened version.

“We are two sorry souls, aren’t we? About to lose the women we love, and drowning our sorrows together,” was Jon’s response after he had listened to Michael’s sad story. “I am so sorry for your loss, man. It can’t have been easy for her to tell you after all this time. I know the medical condition she is talking about. It is indeed a devastating thing for a woman to go through. It’s no wonder she was so distraught at that time. Too bad she didn’t get some counseling. Things might have turned out differently for the two of you. Where do you go from here?”

“I don’t know.”

“Seems to me that if you love her, you need to forgive her and move on.”

Michael was silent, thinking about the advice he’d been given by first Liz and Mari, then Jackie, and now Jon. Are they right? Do I need to get over it and get on with my life… with Angie?

The two men continued to drink, finally deciding they had better order some dinner. They talked about old times and adventures they had all had together over the years and caught up on each other’s lives. Jon was duly impressed with the success Michael had achieved as a top notch architect. In fact, they were so deep in conversation that they did not notice that the ‘Fab Four’ had entered the bar and were being seated at a table across the room. Neither did the girls notice the two men engrossed in conversation Copyright 2016 - 2024