Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,54

Jennifer, he’s gone for the day. He was in a hurry to get out of here. I think he said something about dinner plans. Can I give him a message?”

“Do you know where he was going? I need to speak with him about a patient.”

“Well, I guess if it’s urgent, it won’t hurt to give you the info. You can page him, you know.”

“I tried that, but you know how these Docs are on their night off. And I know he won’t be back on duty until Friday morning.”

“He was going to the Prava. Hope you can catch him there.”

“Thanks, Lisa, you are a lifesaver.”

Lisa hung up the phone, grabbed her purse and keys and locked the door behind her, not realizing what she had just done.

Jennifer laughed to herself as she said, “Thanks, Lisa, dear.” She raced home to change her clothes. She had just enough time to change and get to the Prava to see Jon. She wondered who he was meeting at the Prava. Surely not the wife, did the good Doc have a mistress on the side? Was that why he wouldn’t give me the time of day? Oh, well, whoever it is will be in for a nice little surprise tonight. She was not going to let the doctor get away from her so easily. He was her ticket to the good life. She could kick herself for rushing things, causing herself to get transferred across town. That made things a little more difficult in her pursuit of the very well-off Dr. Jon Jacobi. He had been quite angry with her, in fact, for even suggesting such a thing as an affair. Who knew he was such a goody two shoes? But I’m not giving up without a fight.

At the hotel, Marianne and Lizzie were coming off the elevator as Jon walked into the lobby and toward the desk. Lizzie did not see him as she was anxious to get to one of the gift shops to pick up another present for Cara. Marianne, surprised to see her husband there, told Lizzie to go on into the shop “I want to get a latte and will meet up with you later.”

Lizzie, still not noticing Jon said, “Okay. Meet me in the shop.”

Marianne started to walk toward Jon, when a young girl with long blonde hair walked in behind him. Marianne stopped and watched as the girl walked up to Jon and linked her arm in his. The two began talking. Who in the world is this girl? Once realization dawned on Marianne, she was furious. How could he? He knew she and her friends were staying at this hotel. Is he booking a room for a night with his little mistress right here in the same hotel? What a bastard.

Marianne watched the scene in front of her as more ideas began to form. Tomorrow is his day off, so he’s planning to spend it with her? Why, of all the places in Dallas, would he choose this hotel? Of course, he had planned it this way so she would find out. It looked like her decision had been made for her. He was going to parade his affair in front of her and her friends in the most humiliating way possible. Why would he want to hurt me in this way?

She quickly turned and ran to the elevator, fighting the tears that were threatening to start. Had she stayed in the lobby a few minutes longer she would have seen Jon arguing with Jennifer and ushering her out the door, roughly handing her over to the security guard. Instead, she raced back to the suite in a fit of anger. I am so mad right now that I could spit nails. She practically flew into the suite and started pacing the floor.

This was the scene Lizzie walked in on a few minutes later. “Marianne, what happened to you? I couldn’t find you so I came back up to the room. What in the world is wrong with you? You look like you’re about to kill someone.”

“That… that girl is downstairs in the lobby checking in with my husband as we speak.”

“What?” Lizzie could not believe Jon could be so brazen.

“Jon was in the lobby and that little tramp was with him. Can you believe it? He was checking into this hotel with her, right under my nose. Well, I guess that clinches it. My marriage is over, done, finished.”

Lizzie sat down on the couch in Copyright 2016 - 2024