Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,53

He cares so much about you already. But I think you’re wrong thinking that you were only meant to meet to deal with the past. I think there’s more there. And I really don’t think Ryan could handle it if he lost you now.”

“Wish me luck, then, my friend. I will tell him soon.” Katy sighed as she stirred her coffee that the waitress had brought, and took a sip of the hot, rich liquid.

“When are you seeing my handsome bro again?” Chloe queried.

“I’m not sure. Dinner with everyone, if not sooner, I suppose. Roses arrived with a card this morning, so I’m expecting a call from him.”

“Wow, he really can be a romantic, who would have thought it?” Chloe laughed at the thought of Ryan sending roses to a woman. Silently, she wondered how he would take the news Katy was going to give him.

They finished their coffee and Chloe drove Katy back to the hotel. Chloe needed to get back to work and Katy needed to figure out how she was going to break the news to Ryan in the gentlest way she could.

“Goodbye, Katy. I wish you all the best,” Chloe said as Katy got out of the car.

“Thank you, Chloe, you’ve been a good listener. Keep in touch.” Katy walked into the lobby of the hotel and headed up to the suite. Her heart was heavy with dread at having to tell Ryan who she really was, but she knew it was the only way the two of them stood a chance at happiness, or at the very least, closure.


Dr. Jon Jacobi sat at his desk in his plush downtown Dallas office, looking wearily over the last patient’s chart. He had just finished his schedule for the day. Wednesday was his day in the office and Thursday was his day off. He did surgeries the other three days of the week. It had been a hectic schedule today and he was glad to have tonight to look forward to and tomorrow off. Tonight he was planning to surprise the ‘Fab Four’ and take them out for dinner.

Thank God I finally have the Jennifer situation taken care of. Jennifer was a lab tech who had set her sights on the married Dr. Jacobi. Nothing had ever happened between them beyond a kiss, and it never would. He would never cheat on Marianne and certainly not with someone like Jennifer, who chased anything in pants from what he’d heard. She had cornered him in the lab one night and pulled him into an embrace that had later repulsed him. He had quickly broken it off and in no uncertain terms had made it clear to the girl that he was not interested. He had even gone a step further, reporting her behavior to the human resources department at the hospital. It had resulted in training for Jennifer and had gotten her transferred to one of the other facilities across town, owned by the hospital. He had hoped that would be the end of it, but he had had a few emails from her at the office since she’d transferred. She just won’t give up. Hopefully, she’ll find someone else to harass soon enough and leave me alone. He had debated about whether or not to tell Mari and had decided against it. It’s better that she never know. She doesn’t need to be concerned with it.

He finished dictating from the last patient’s chart and called his assistant into the office. “Gail, it’s been a long day. Why don’t you call it quits? I’m out of here, too. I’m going to the Prava for dinner. Have a good day off.”

“You have a great time tonight. You deserve it after the day we’ve had, Doc.”

He waved goodbye to Gail and Lisa, the receptionist, as he headed out the back door of his office. He was whistling as he unlocked the door of his silver Lincoln Navigator. Donning sunglasses and popping his favorite CD into place, he backed out of the parking space, drove the short distance to the expressway, and started the drive home. I will have just enough time for a quick shower before going to the hotel to surprise the girls.

Gail left shortly after, leaving Lisa to finish up and lock the office. The phone rang a few minutes after she left.

Lisa answered it, “Dr. Jacobi’s office. May I help you?”

“Lisa, hi, it’s Jen over in the lab. I need to speak with the good doctor.”

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