Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,55

disbelief. “I can’t believe that the Jon I have known for all these years would do something like that. Are you sure they were checking in?”

“All I am sure of is that he walked into the lobby of this hotel and she walked in right behind him. That is all I need to know.”

The phone rang on the desk and Lizzie walked over to answer it.

“Oh, hi, honey.” It was Rex. “Can I call you back? This really isn’t a good time. We’re having a bit of a dilemma here right now.”

“What’s wrong?” Rex asked worriedly.

“It’s just a little problem with Marianne and Jon. I really need to help her right now.”

“I won’t keep you. I just wanted to give you my flight information, so you can pick me up at the airport tomorrow afternoon. I am finishing up a few things here and then I am headed home to pack.”

“Go ahead,” she grabbed a pen and notepad from the desk and began writing. “Okay, got it. I’ll see you tomorrow, then. We’re scheduled for dinner with the O’Gradys. I can’t wait for you to meet them. We’ll meet with them on Friday then to seal the deal. When are you flying back?”

“I haven’t decided about that yet. I’ll talk to you about it when I get there. I had better let you get back to Marianne. Hope it all turns out all right.”

“That’s debatable right now.”

“Love you, honey. Take good care of Mari.”

“Goodbye. Love you, too. See you tomorrow.” Lizzie hung up the phone and it rang again as soon as she started to walk away.

“This is grand central station, isn’t it?” She laughed as she answered it again.

“Is this the room of the wonderful ‘Fabulous Four?’” Jon asked.

Lizzie was silent for a moment and then she replied tersely, “Yes, Jon, it is.”

“Lizzie, is that you? You sound funny. Is something wrong?”

“You tell me, Jon.”

Marianne waved her hand to Lizzie and shook her head no. She did not want to talk to him right now.

“What? I thought I would treat you girls to a dinner out tonight. Did I catch you at a bad time?”

Lizzie was confused. How could he take them to dinner if he was there to have a fling with his girlfriend? This did not make sense. Something was up.

“Jon, is that really the reason you’re here? You’re telling me that the only reason you are in this hotel is to take the four of us to dinner?”

Surprised, Jon answered, “What other reason would there be, Lizzie? I’m a little bit confused by your question.”

“Are you alone, Jon?” Lizzie asked.

“Yes, I am. Jordan had football practice tonight. He wouldn’t have wanted to spend the evening with the old fogies anyway. Why the twenty questions, Lizzie? Can’t a man take his wife and her three lovely friends out for a nice dinner?” he asked. “Of course, if I’m intruding on the girl time, I understand. I wanted to see all of you while you’re in town but if you’d rather not see me, I’ll tuck my tail between my legs and go back home.”

Lizzie sighed, “I think you had better come on up to the room, Jon.” She gave him the suite number as Marianne glared at her from across the room.

“How could you? I don’t want to see him,” Marianne lashed out at her friend after Lizzie had hung up the phone. How could Lizzie betray me like that?

“Calm down, sweetie. Something is not right here. Jon said he was here to take us out to dinner. You need to talk to him.”

“Oh, so he thinks he is going to have dinner with us, while his little friend waits up in their room for him to spend the night with her. I can’t believe she would agree to that, unless, of course, he is planning to tell me about her at dinner with all of you there.”

“I think you’d better find out what is really going on here.”

Lizzie answered the door a few minutes later and led Jon into the room, where Marianne sat, angrily glaring at him from the couch. She had poured herself a glass of wine.

“Jon, you and Marianne need to talk. I’ll be in the bedroom.” Lizzie left the room quietly.

Jon looked at her quizzically and turned to Marianne. She sat stiffly on the couch, still glaring at him as she took a gulp of the wine.

“So you really thought you could get away with it? Sneak her in and then wine Copyright 2016 - 2024