Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,50

which way is up. I just cannot face Angie right now. I’m too angry. I’m devastated, still in shock, grieving for a loss that I should have shared with her fifteen years ago. Instead, she shut me out of her life at a time when she needed me the most. I’m going to call Jackie in a little while and talk to her about it. Angie said that Jackie begged her to tell me before.”

“That’s probably a good idea. Jackie may be able to give you some insight as to how Angie was feeling at the time. Maybe it will give you a different perspective on the matter,” Lizzie agreed with Michael. “The one person in the world who would know how Angie felt at the time would be Jackie. Angie and her mother have always been close.”

“Thank you both for stopping by. I appreciate your concern and I love you both for caring. But if you’ll excuse me, I just need to sort this out, before I have to face Angie at dinner tomorrow night. I am still going to go, because it’s business as well as pleasure, but I don’t think it will be a very festive occasion for Angie and me.”

Marianne said, as she glanced at Lizzie, “We’ll leave you alone, now, Michael,”

“I will give it some thought, believe me.” With that, he ushered them out the door, closing it behind them, and sat down on the couch. He picked up the phone and dialed Angie’s mother’s number in Indiana. It rang four times before Jackie finally answered.

“Hello.” The familiar voice of his ex-mother–in-law came on the line.

Michael hesitated for a moment before he began, “Jackie, hello, this is Michael Gray.”

There was silence until, finally, she spoke, “Michael, dear, it’s so good to hear from you. What can I do for you, son?”

“I don’t really know where to begin. Jackie, I need your help. I recently ran into Angie. We’re going to be working together on a project at her hotel.” The words jumbled together as he spoke shakily.

“I see. And how is that going?” Jackie asked, thinking it must not be going well, from the state the boy seemed to be in.

“It was going great until last night. Oh, Jackie, this is so hard for me.” He broke down. After regaining his composure, he told Jackie the story from beginning to end, from last week when he had walked into Angie’s office to the gruesome way last night’s date had ended. He felt a great relief afterward, as if a giant burden had been lifted from his shoulders.

“My dear boy, I am so relieved that you finally know the truth. I tried so hard to reason with her back then. She was so devastated; nothing I could say eased her pain. She didn’t eat, didn’t sleep. She cried for days. She sat in the rocking chair she’d bought, for hours on end, just staring into space. I honestly thought I was going to have to take her back to the hospital. She wouldn’t let me call you, even though I knew she needed you with her. I worried myself sick about her. I couldn’t leave her side because I was afraid of what she might do. I practically had to force her to eat and when she did, it was very little. Her emotions were all over the place. I’m not sure she’s ever completely recovered from it. I think that’s why she’s thrown herself into her work for all these years. It’s all she has left. But she never discusses it, so I don’t bring it up for fear of opening up the old wounds. She moved away shortly after the divorce and then so did you. I always hoped the two of you would find your way back to each other, but when you both left town, I eventually gave up on that. She really thought she was doing the best thing for you by not telling you. She thought you would move on, marry again, and have the family that she couldn’t give you. She was in a very dark place for a good many years. She never got over it, or you, for that matter. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive her. Obviously, you never remarried, never had a family?” Angie’s mother asked hopefully.

“No, Jackie, I could never marry anyone else. My heart has always belonged to Angie. You know that. You have known all along. I Copyright 2016 - 2024