Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,51

just don’t know how to forgive her. I don’t know how to make it right between us. I am grieving for her and for our little baby.”

“And she has grieved for fifteen years, for you, for that little baby, and for all the other babies that she will never have. I hope you can get past this, for both your sakes. But you will have to do it in your own time and in your own way.”

“Thank you, Jackie. I need to hang up now. I have a lot to think about. This is not going to be easy, but I have to make some decisions about my future, with or without Angie.”

“Well, I hope it is with Angie, but I understand your reluctance. Best of luck.”

“Goodbye, Jackie.”

“Goodbye, Michael. I hope to see you sitting around my dinner table with the family very soon. That’s where you belong.”

He hung up the phone and sat on the couch thinking for a very long time. He had all day today, tonight, and all day tomorrow before he had to face Angie at the dinner with all their friends and the O’Gradys. Maybe by then, he could bring himself to tolerate being in the same room with her. It will be torture for both of us. If they did have a chance to work this out, they would have to eventually have another very long and serious talk. And right at this moment, he knew neither one of them was up to it. Last night had taken its toll. He lay back on the couch, deep in thought.

Chloe drove to the Prava to pick Katy up. Katy had called and asked her to meet her for coffee. She had readily agreed. She liked Katy and was looking forward to the chance to get to know her better. Chloe had begun to give up hope that Ryan would ever be able to find happiness in his life. Now he had met a lovely woman and they would also be working together.

Katy was waiting when Chloe drove up. She walked toward the car and waved. She is a lovely creature, Chloe thought as she watched her. No wonder Ryan was so taken with her.

“Good morning,” Chloe said as Katy got into the car. “I trust y’all had a nice time last night.”

“I had a wonderful evening, for the most part. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about,” Katy began.

Chloe sighed, hoping there was not going to be a problem. She did not know if Ryan could handle a rejection from Katy at this point. That would surely send him right back to the dark place where he had been for the last ten years. Chloe began to worry as she cast a sideways glance at her new friend.

“Anything wrong, Katy?” she finally asked her.

“Something happened last night that really threw me for a loop. I have to tell you I was not expecting it and I really need to get your opinion. I know you are the one person who knows Ryan really well. Don’t get me wrong, Ryan is wonderful. I really would love for our relationship to eventually develop into something more, but I really need your advice about something he said last night.”

They pulled into the parking lot of Chloe’s favorite little coffee shop and got out of the car. Her curiosity was certainly piqued. What on earth could Ryan have said that had Katy so worried?

“I thought you would like this place. It’s where I come for a quick getaway when I can take time from work. Let’s get a table in the back and then we can talk.”

“That would be great,” Katy answered gratefully.

They walked into the cutest little coffee shop that Katy had ever seen. She admired the design. Someone had really been thinking when he or she opened this place. It had such a calming effect. Chloe was right. It seemed like the perfect place for them to talk.

After they were seated and had ordered their coffee, Katy began, “Chloe, what I’m about to tell you is probably going to be a shock. I know it was for me. Last night was perfect from the moment Ryan picked me up at the hotel. He did all the right things, said all the right things. We really clicked. I had decided that if the conversation headed into the right direction, I was going to try and draw Ryan out, get him to talk about his wife and Copyright 2016 - 2024