Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,49

the cards, it will all work out,” Angie said. “Just like if it’s meant for me and Michael to be together, then that will work out too. I can’t drive myself crazy over it. I’ll just give him some space and if he doesn’t call me, I’ll call him. I can’t go back to work Monday with this hanging over us.”

“I’m proud of you, girlfriend.” Lizzie got up and gave her friend a hug.

“Ditto,” Marianne offered as she poured herself a cup of coffee and sat back down to relax. “What’s on the agenda for today? Katy is going to see Chloe. So what are the rest of us going to do?”

“If you don’t mind, I really don’t feel like going out. You two can do whatever you want to. I’ll be fine. I just need to get my head together,” Angie answered.

“Let’s hit the mall again, Marianne. I need to pick up some things for the twins.”

“That’s fine by me. You know I love to shop. I’ll jump in the shower as soon as Katy is finished in the bedroom.” Marianne welcomed a chance to get her mind off her own troubles for a few more hours. The time was soon coming when she would have to face them head on.

It was not long before Katy returned, and she looked relieved.

“You look like that went well,” Lizzie ventured.

“He’s a great kid. The best son any mother could ask for. He was fine with the whole thing. He agrees that Ryan is not to blame for anything that happened. It’s just a freaky coincidence that he happens to be the husband of the woman in the other car. He can’t understand why Ryan would even feel guilty about the accident. He said that he was happy I had finally found someone that I thought I could be interested in. He advised me to tell Ryan the truth soon though. I called Chloe and she agreed to meet me. She mentioned that Ryan was in an exceptionally good mood this morning. I hope I don’t ruin that mood when I tell him what I have to tell him. But we all know that, in all likelihood, I will,” Katy replied with a touch of sadness in her tone.

Lizzie wished her friend luck, as did the other two.

I am certainly going to need it, she told herself sadly.

A short time later, Katy was out the door to meet Chloe, with Lizzie and Marianne right behind her, leaving Angie alone in the suite for the day. She soaked in a long, hot, lavender-scented bubble bath, her favorite, allowing herself to relax. After drying herself with an oversized, fluffy, white towel, she slipped into her robe, combed out her long, brown hair and fell onto the bed, exhausted. She was asleep within minutes, oblivious to the problems in her world for a few short hours.

As they got onto the elevator, Lizzie turned to Marianne and said, “We’re going to make a stop on the fourth floor. Are you with me on this?”

“You read my mind.”

The two friends got off on the appointed floor, found Michael’s room and nervously knocked on his door.

“Who is it?” a male voice asked wearily from within.

“Michael, it’s Lizzie and Marianne. May we come in?” They looked at each other and waited for his reply.

He opened the door and ushered them into the room. He looked about as bad as Angie did. With dark circles under his eyes, he looked like he had been up most of the night.

“Michael, we know what happened. She told us the whole story after she got back to the room last night,” Lizzie began.

“So, you all were in the dark as well. It should make me feel better that at least she kept it from you also,” he said.

Lizzie gave it to him straight, “Michael, I know you’re hurt and angry. You have every right to be. But please, do yourself a favor. Don’t let that anger destroy your chance for happiness. You and Angie belong together. It may not seem like it right now, but you have always belonged together. Angie is suffering too. She has suffered for fifteen years with this secret. You have to find a way to work through this and forgive her, for both your sakes.”

“Do you still love Angie?” Marianne asked.

“I do,” Michael answered.

“Then please don’t make any rash decisions,” Lizzie added.

“I know you two think you’re helping. But I am so confused right now, I don’t know Copyright 2016 - 2024