Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,45

him. He mentioned love at first sight. I think it may have been more than that drawing us to each other.”

“How do you feel about it now that you know who he is?” Angie asked.

“I was shocked, of course, when he told me. But I tried not to let him see that. I just don’t know how he’d have reacted if I had told him that I was the Kathryn that he had tried to contact ten years ago to apologize to. It’s not his fault that his wife and her boss were in the car that killed Bill and Bree. I realize that. I also realize that he lost as much as I did that night. But I don’t think he realizes that,” answered Katy.

“So do you still think that you could have a future with him?” asked Marianne.

“I wish I could say yes. But I’ll eventually have to tell him the truth and I just don’t know how he’ll react. He has spent all these years being bitter and feeling guilty. I’ve dealt with my feelings. I spent ten years dealing with them. I will never get over losing two of the most precious people in my life, but it’s time to finally move on. I think that Ryan was feeling that too. But if I tell him the truth, I am afraid it will throw him right back into the dark place which he has so apparently been in all these years. I really think that given the chance, our feelings would grow into something wonderful for both of us. I just don’t know if we will get that chance, now. Our life together is probably over before it gets a chance to begin. Maybe we met just so he could finally apologize to me. Maybe there was never meant to be anything more. Not the great love I was hoping for,” she answered sadly.

“Well, Katy, my friend, there’s only one way to find out. You’ll have to tell him. You will never be able to move on with him if you don’t. It would eventually come out anyway,” Lizzie advised her good friend.

“I know. I’ll just have to find the right time, before things go any further between us. And I’ll have to be prepared to deal with the fallout. I may lose my chance with him, or it could set us both free from the past. I will never know until I tell him. I could break it off with him and never tell him, but I don’t want to do that. I really need to call Alex in the morning, though, and tell him what’s going on. It will be a shock for him to hear that the man I told him about is the husband of the woman in the other car.” Katy worried that her son might be opposed to her having a relationship with Ryan now.

“Alex is a level-headed young man. I don’t think he would blame Ryan for what happened. Like you said, it’s not Ryan’s fault,” Angie said.

“I am not going to tell him until the end of the week, though. I want to enjoy the rest of our week and spend a little more time with Ryan before it ends. I at least can have that, can’t I?” Katy mused.

“What about working with the restaurant now? You would have to see him when you come back out to Dallas,” Mari ventured.

“I would like to do the job. I really like all the O’Gradys and hate to let them down. It will be a good start for my business, as well. Surely, Ryan and I can work together civilly. I’d probably be working more with Chloe than Ryan anyway”

“I hope you can do it. It’s such a good opportunity for you. Now, I think we’ve all had a very stressful night and it’s time to hit the hay. We can still get a few hours’ sleep and maybe things will look a little brighter in the morning.” Marianne yawned as she stood up. “I need to begin thinking about dealing with my problems too. It’s been so nice to forget about it for these past few days.”

“Anytime you need to talk, you know we are here for you,” Katy reminded her.

“I know, but some things just have to be dealt with alone. I need to make a decision soon,” Marianne answered gloomily as she headed for the bedroom.

Her three friends looked at each other sadly as they watched her Copyright 2016 - 2024