Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,46

walk away.

“It’s amazing that we are all at such a crossroad in our lives right now, isn’t it?” Lizzie asked.

“This trip was so needed for all of us. We just didn’t know it was going to be so eventful,” Katy answered.

“When is Rex coming?” Angie looked at Lizzie.

“He’ll be here on Thursday. I need to pick him up at the airport in the afternoon. We’re all supposed to have dinner at ‘Chloe’s Place’ that night.”

“I wonder if Michael will still go to dinner with us.” Angie suddenly remembered that he, too, had been invited.

“If he does, I hope it won’t be too awkward for you,” Katy replied.

“If I’m going to have to work with him, I may as well get used to being around him, just like you will have to with Ryan.” Angie said with a long sigh, wondering how she could possibly be so close to him and not be able to touch him or reach out to him, laugh with him. What if he decided to pass the hotel project on to someone else now? What if he could not stand to work with her?

“I’m going to take Marianne’s advice and try to get some shut eye. You two should probably try to rest a little too.” Lizzie headed for bed.

“I’m going to have a drink to calm my nerves first,” Angie replied.

“And I will join you.” Katy said as she headed for the mini bar.

“Alright, suit yourselves. I am dead on my feet. See you in a few hours.”

“Good night, Lizzie,” Angie and Katy both said as they sat on the couch, drinks in hand.

“What a mess we have both gotten ourselves into tonight, my friend.” Katy was thoughtful as she looked at Angie.

“I know. Who would have thought that after all these years, I would meet up with Michael again and actually have a chance to work things out, only to mess it up.”

“You did the best thing by telling him the truth, Angie. You could never truly be happy if you had kept it bottled up forever. You know that, don’t you?”

“Yes, but I only hope I still have a chance with him. I really do love him, you know.”

“I know, sweetie, I know. I have always known,” Katy answered quietly.

They finished their drinks and then each retired to her bedroom to try and catch at least a few hours of peaceful slumber.


One floor down, in his suite, Michael Gray lay in bed wide awake. He was speaking to the empty room, “How could she have done this to me? How could she have done this to us? I will never understand in a million years why she didn’t tell me. I would have stood by her, comforted her, and helped her through it. She didn’t even give me the chance. She kept the fact from me that I, too, had lost a child. Oh, Angie, how could you do that?” he asked over and over again as he tossed and turned in bed. “I know. I’ll call Jackie in a few hours, when I’m sure she’s up. Maybe she can give me some answers.” Angie had said her mother knew the whole story. He had always liked Jackie and he thought she had been fond of him. Surely she would talk to him now that he finally knew the truth. With that plan in mind, he rolled over and finally fell into a deep, dreamless sleep. He slept soundly for the next few hours, exhausted from the evening’s events.

And on the other side of town, in his posh bachelor pad condo, another man was remembering his evening and whistling to himself as he prepared for bed. Ryan O’Grady thought about the evening he had just spent with Katy. She is one fantastic woman. Smart, easy on the eyes, a good listener. He knew now that he had been waiting to meet someone like her for all these years. He could finally put the past to rest.

Chloe was right, after all. Not all women were like his first wife. He was sure of that now. It was good to talk about it, to open up to Katy about the tragedy he had suffered. But now that was the past and Katy was the future. Oh, life is going to be so sweet from now on.

Sure, there would be problems. With her living in Chicago and him in Dallas, something would have to be worked out. Maybe he would put a restaurant in Chicago, Copyright 2016 - 2024