Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,44

can’t believe you have held all of this inside for so long.” Lizzie was the first to break the silence that had followed Angie’s story.

“Angie, I am so sorry. Why didn’t you feel you could tell us, of all people?” Marianne asked.

“You gave up the love of your life because you were afraid to tell him this. Oh, Angie, you should have trusted Michael more. You should have let him grieve with you. You should have given him a choice. He might have, no, I feel sure that he would have chosen to stay with you. He loves you with all his heart. He always has.” Katy was confused that her friend could have been so blind. But the mind can play strange tricks on us, she thought as she took Angie in her arms to comfort her.

“Do you all hate me too? I’m sure Michael hates me now. He was so cold to me after I told him. He told me to leave.”

“He was in shock, Ang,” Katy answered with a sigh. She of all people could understand that.

“We could never hate you, Angie. It’s just hard for us to understand why you felt that you had to keep this to yourself,” Lizzie replied.

“We need to forget about that and help Angie through this, now. She has kept all of this bottled up inside for so long. She needs to let it all out. She needs to grieve. She has never let herself do that. She needs us to comfort and support her. She does not need us to judge her,” Marianne said in her sternest nurse’s voice.

“You’re right, of course, Marianne. We, like Michael, are still in shock,” Lizzie replied.

“Angie, I really don’t believe that Michael hates you. I do believe, though, that he needs time. He needs to grieve. You never gave him the chance to do that. He has just learned that fifteen years ago he lost a baby that he didn’t even know existed. He just learned that there was a much deeper reason that you divorced him. And he doesn’t understand why you thought you had to do that,” Katy offered, knowing all too well what grief can do to a person’s thoughts.

“And he is hurt that you didn’t trust him enough to tell him the truth, I am sure,” Lizzie added.

“Give him the space he needs. Next week, when you get back to work, you will just have to take it slow, feel him out, and see how he responds to you. Then, ask him to talk with you about it again, after some time has passed. The two of you need to grieve for your baby together. That is something you never did. That’s the only way that the two of you stand a chance,” Marianne advised wisely. If only I possessed this much wisdom when it comes to my own problem, she thought wryly.

“I really think that if the love is still there, which it so obviously is, then the two of you will find your way back to each other. It just may take a little longer now.” Katy gave her friend a reassuring hug.

“I agree. Don’t count Michael out yet. I know he loves you. The two of you were brought back into each other’s lives for a reason. Now that he knows the whole truth, maybe it will be even better the second time around,” Marianne offered.

“I feel better now that it’s all out in the open. I am so sorry that I didn’t tell you all sooner. I just couldn’t face it. I thought that if no one knew, then I could get over it. That didn’t work, though. I have spent many years agonizing over it all.” Angie smiled at her three oldest and dearest friends in the world.

“Don’t give up, sweetie,” Lizzie said as the other two nodded in agreement.

“What were you all talking so seriously about when I came into the room? I heard you telling Katy you were sorry. Did your date not go well, either, Kate?” Angie was relieved to get the subject off her for a few minutes.

Katy took a deep breath and told her friend what she had already told the other two. She related the whole saga of what had happened with Ryan earlier in the evening. “I really felt a connection to him. I really thought that he was a man I could build a future with. Now I guess I know why I felt so close to Copyright 2016 - 2024