Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,43

feel his arms around me again? Will we ever be lovers again? Would they ever be man and wife again? She lay in bed for quite some time, crying her heart out.

The other two girls sensed that Angie needed some time to herself. They waited a respectable amount of time before Lizzie finally knocked softly on the door and asked, “Do you need anything, Angie?”

Angie knew that the ‘Fab Four’ had to be told her secret too. She only hoped they would not hate her as Michael did. She could not lose Michael and her friends all in the same night.

“I’ll be out in a few. There’s something you all need to know. I might as well wait for Katy so I only have to tell it once.” Angie went into the bathroom, splashed her face with icy cold water and ran a brush through her thick hair. She put it into a pony tail, threw on her robe and looked around. Just a few hours ago, she was in this very bathroom, getting ready for her evening with such high hopes. And she’d almost gotten what she’d always wanted, a chance to make things right with her true love. How things can change so much in such a short time. she thought sadly. She walked out of the room to face her friends.


Angie entered the sitting room of the suite to find her three friends deep in conversation. Katy had returned to the suite, apparently, while Angie had been in the bedroom. Thank God, Angie thought. I couldn’t get through this without her. Somehow, through the years, Katy had been the one in the group they all had turned to in times of trouble. Even when she’d had her own troubles, she had remained stoic and strong, doing what needed to be done.

“Oh, Katy, I’m so sorry. Who would have ever thought?” Lizzie consoled her as Marianne noticed Angie standing in the doorway.

Katy was also looking at Angie, a worried look on her face. She asked quietly, “Angie, honey, are you all right?”

The other two looked up. Angie’s face was splotchy and her eyes were red-rimmed and swollen. It was very apparent that the evening had not gone well for their friend.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Katy asked. “It would appear that we have both had a very eventful evening.”

Lizzie and Marianne nodded. They had had such high hopes earlier that the evening would go well for both Angie and Katy. After hearing Katy’s sad story and seeing Angie so upset, it seemed like so long ago that the two were excitedly preparing for their dates.

Angie looked at them sadly and said, “There is something I need to tell the three of you. It’s something that happened a long time ago and until tonight no one knew except my mother. I told Michael and now the time has come to tell the three of you.” Angie was already dreading having to tell the story for a second time that night after remaining silent for so many years.

“Sit down, and take your time.” Lizzie made room for Angie on the couch as Katy handed her a glass of water.

“Whatever could it be, Angie, that has you so upset?” Marianne asked warily.

Angie sat down next to Katy. Katy took her hand as she began telling her friends about her nightmare of fifteen years ago. She slowly told them everything, stopping a few times to wipe her eyes. She could no more control her tears than she could control Michael’s hurt. I’ve lost him for good this time. Will I lose my three best friends, as well? I can’t bear that. They are all I have left.

Her friends waited for her to continue.

“And now, I have lost Michael forever. All because I thought I was doing the best thing for him all those years ago by setting him free to meet someone who could give him the family that he wanted so badly. I told him it was all because of my career. I had nothing left but my career, so it seemed like a good enough reason at the time.” She finished her story and looked at her friends. “I realize now that I was not in my right mind at the time. I should have received grief counseling, but it never entered my mind to seek out something like that. I guess I took the easy way out. Although, looking back, it hasn’t been easy at all.”

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