Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,42

her or to throttle her. How could she not tell him? How could she not give him the chance to grieve for their child as she’d had the chance to do? How could she say she had done it for him? She had given him no choice. She had taken away all of his choices. She had divorced him, giving him a freedom he did not want. He did not want to have a family with someone else. If they could not have a child of their own, they would have still had each other. How could she have done this to him? How could she have never told him? And how could she have thrown away their love like that? And why, if she still loved him, had she not found the courage to tell him before now? All these years, and she could have fixed it.

“Who knew about this?” he finally spoke.

“The only people who knew were Mom, the doctor, and me. For what it’s worth, Mom did not agree with my decision not to tell you.”

“Wish her daughter was as smart as she is. Angie, what could you have been thinking?”

“I wasn’t thinking straight back then. Like I said, I was totally numb. I thought I was doing it for you, Michael. I was grieving so much and I loved you so much. I wanted you to be happy and I felt that you could no longer be happy with me if you knew we would never have a family. I was afraid you would grow to resent that over the years. I gave you your freedom so that you could have the family you wanted with someone who could give you that.”

“Angie, I love you, Baby. But I have got to have time to process this. I have to grieve for that child, too. You have had fifteen years to deal with this. But it’s like it just happened for me.” He rose from the couch and extended his hand to help her up. “Let me walk you to your suite.”

“No, I will see myself out, if that’s what you want.” She watched in disbelief as he walked into the bathroom and closed the door. So just like that, he had walked out on her. This was how it was going to be, just as Angie had feared. She knew he was hurt. She hurriedly grabbed her purse and let herself out of the room. As she stood outside the door, she could not believe that just a short time before, she was in his arms, reunited. Just a few short hours ago, they were planning their future, planning to remarry.

Now, Angie did not know if they even had a future together. She had known that she was taking a chance by telling him after all these years, but it had to be done. If they were getting back together, she wanted there to be no secrets between them. He had to be told the real reason she had left him. She could only hope that in time, he would understand and be able to forgive her for what she had done all those years ago. She made her way back to the fifth floor. She hesitated before entering the room. She so needed to be alone for a while. What I really need is for Katy to come back from her date. Katy was her rock. But Angie had never told any of the girls about the baby, not even Katy. Would they hate her for it?

As Angie finally unlocked the door and walked into the suite, Lizzie saw the distress in her face. “Angie, what happened? You look terrible.”

“Michael and I probably won’t be getting back together, after all.” She walked into the bedroom, stripping off her new pink outfit, remembering how only a short time ago she had been in this very room, dressing for her date. She slipped into a nightgown and slid between the cool sheets. She felt cold and alone, the same way she had felt for fifteen years. Maybe I got what I deserved. The tears started to flow, all the tears she had held in check for all these years. Tears for all she had lost and for all she had given up. Tears for the baby she had lost, tears for all the babies she would never have. And most of all, she shed tears for Michael, the one true love of her life. Will I ever Copyright 2016 - 2024