Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,4

to grab a quick bite and discuss the project. But now that she had time to think about it, she was not so sure it was a good idea, spending time with Michael outside of the office. How was she going to sit through an entire dinner with the man and not let on that he still got to her? That being in the same room with him was enough to set her pulses racing and her senses reeling. She could always duck out early, using the excuse that she had an early flight in the morning. She finished applying jasmine-scented lotion to her long legs and walked to the huge walk-in closet to pick out something to wear.

“Jeez, you would think I was a teenager going on her first date,” Angie muttered aloud. She finally decided on a pair of comfortable, fashionable jeans and a soft pink sweater. Michael had always liked her in pink. She brushed her long, brown hair until it shone, applied light makeup, grabbed her watch and a silver heart pendant and was out the door. At least she’d had enough wits about her to arrange to meet him at the restaurant, rather than have him pick her up at home. This way, she could leave on her own if things got weird.

She jumped into the little white sports car and drove to the restaurant. Finding a parking place close to the door, she locked the car and approached the restaurant apprehensively. She was led by the hostess to a table in the corner, where Michael was already seated. What a handsome man he still was. Her heart was thumping so loudly that he had to hear it.

“Well, hello, you are right on time, lady.” He laughed as he stood and pulled out her chair. “I’m glad you chose this place. I like the atmosphere,” he said as he looked around at the square tables with the red, checkered tablecloths. Each table had a small, flickering candle in the center. The lights were low, and soft music was playing.

He probably thinks I chose this place because it is romantic, she thought to herself. Actually, she had chosen it because it was close to home and because they had the best spaghetti and meatballs this side of the Mississippi.

He had already ordered the wine and it was wonderful, of course. Steady, girl, don’t go drinking the wine and forgetting your resolution to only talk business, she reminded herself as she took the first sip.

“So what do you think of my plans for the expansion so far, Michael?” she asked in a serious tone.

“From what I’ve had a chance to look at so far, I think you have some wonderful ideas,” he answered with a smile, “but I would have expected no less from you. You have always been at the top of your game when it comes to work.”

She took another sip of the delicious red wine, as the waiter came to take their order. She suggested the spaghetti and meatballs, of course.

After they had both ordered, Michael took her hand in his. As he rubbed the back of her hand with his strong, tanned fingers, he said, “Now that we have had our little business discussion, let’s table that until you get back in town next week and catch up on each other’s lives.”

“Not much to tell about my life. I spend most of my days working, which leaves little time to socialize. This job has been great, but it takes up a tremendous amount of my time, especially now, with all the new plans.” Angie tried to appear nonchalant. “We have a lot of competition in the area, so it keeps me on my toes.”

“So, there is no new man in your life?”

She hesitated for a minute. How she would love to tell him that there would never be a new man in her life. That even though they had parted ways all those years ago, no one had ever quite measured up to her first love. Instead, she simply said “No new man in my life. I have no time for men right now.”

“Ah, spoken like the Angie that I know and love,” he said with a grin.

“And how about you, Mr. Gray, a wife and two kids waiting for you back home?”

“Angie, I’m hurt. You actually think I would get married again and not inform you?”

“Well, it has been almost three years since we last spoke. A lot can happen in three Copyright 2016 - 2024