Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,3

This is a good project. I hear it’s been your baby from the start.”

Angie winced at his choice of words and answered a little too brightly, “Yes, my idea from the start.”

“Business trip next week?” he ventured to ask as he watched a lone tendril of her long, brown hair fall onto her brow.

“No, actually I’m meeting the ‘Fab Four’ in Dallas for a reunion. I’ll be gone all week. I wanted to go before I got too bogged down with the project.” Her eyes shone like emeralds as she answered, absently pushing the lone tendril of hair back into place. She remembered the days when he would have reached over and done that for her.

“How are the old girls?” he asked.

She snapped back to the present and replied, “They are all fine. We haven’t gotten together for quite some time. I think it’ll be good for all of us, and I’m excited to be able to spend some time with them again.”

“I’ll see you when you get back, then. Have a great time, and get some rest. I’ll be out of town myself next week. But I’ll be working, not playing.”

“No rest for the wicked…” Angie walked him to the door, shook his hand and watched him leave the suite of offices. She walked back into her large, modern office, collapsing onto the leather sofa in the corner. The office was functional, with straight lines and hard edges in each decoration.

Half an hour later, she locked her desk and file cabinets, hurriedly grabbed her bag and briefcase and headed out the door. Briskly walking to the parking garage, she unlocked the door of her sleek, white sports car and drove across town to her beautiful but modest condo, wondering all the way how in the world she was going to work with Michael Gray for the next six months. Every time she looked into those eyes, she would be reminded of the past. The past she had tried so hard to forget. She would have to force her professionalism to take command. I certainly have not gotten where I am today by being a lovesick fool, she berated herself harshly.

She pulled into the parking garage of the condo and slid her long, athletic legs out the side of her small car, grabbed her things from the backseat, and walked slowly into the building.

Angie spoke to the doorman as she waited for the elevator and thought how nice a lavender-scented bubble bath would feel. But first things first, I have to pack, she sighed as she opened the door and stepped inside the sage and chocolate living room. Home sweet home, she thought as she looked around. I haven’t done badly for myself on my own. The marble fireplace in the living room was flanked by bookcases on either side. The cozy, cocoa-colored, suede sofa and sage accent chairs looked inviting enough. The marble coffee table, strewn with magazines, and matching end tables adorned with sage-colored lamps completed the picture.

She walked into the dining room and dropping her keys on the glass-topped table, kicked off her pumps and practically ran straight to the large master bedroom. I have so much to get done before morning, she thought as she sat on the edge of the bed. No time to sit, get up and get moving, she told herself sternly. You can reward yourself with the lavender bath later.

She began neatly stacking toiletries, underwear, and clothes into her leather suitcase, humming an old familiar tune as she worked. The girls would love this new development in her life when they heard about it. Katy would be analyzing the whole scenario and giving advice.

She was just about to throw the last bit of clothing into her bag, anticipating that long, hot soak in her big, garden tub, when her cell phone rang. Who could that be?

She put the phone to her ear and answered softly, “Hello.”

The man on the other end of the line replied in a husky voice, “Hi, gorgeous. How about taking an old friend to dinner tonight?”

It was Michael… so let the games begin.

“What was I thinking, agreeing to go to dinner with him?” Angie said aloud a short time later as she stepped out of the hot, steaming shower. So much for the long soak in the tub she had promised herself earlier.

She had agreed to meet Michael at the little Italian restaurant down the street from her condo. She told herself it would only be long enough Copyright 2016 - 2024