Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,5

years, you know,” she quipped.

“No wife and kids waiting for me back home. No girlfriend either. Like you, my new job with this firm has kept me very busy. You’re not the only one leaving town this week, remember. I’m flying out Monday morning to see a client about a restaurant expansion. But don’t worry, my love, I will be back next week when you’re back from your little ‘Fab Four’ vacation to start work on your project with you. Now fill me in on the girls.”

“They are good, or as far as I know. Katy has finally gotten Alex in college, so maybe we can talk her into moving on finally. It’s been ten years, you know, since the accident. She never remarried. Lizzie’s twins are grown and Marianne is still married to her dreamboat doctor. I hear he is one of the top surgeons in Dallas now.”

The waiter had brought their salads, so they were quiet for a few minutes as they started their meal.

“I’m surprised you didn’t have them all come to your resort for a week,” Michael broke the silence.

“I really needed a week away, as busy as I’ve been. If I had stayed around, I would have gotten called in to the office several times during the week for some crisis or another, I’m sure. It was a good time for me to leave, before we get into the project full force. So we rented a suite at one of the hotels on the north side near the Galleria for the week,” she answered as she buttered her roll.

“Dallas, huh.” He smiled to himself. “When are you flying out?”

“I have to be at Moline at nine tomorrow morning to catch my flight,” she answered as the waiter brought the two steaming plates of spaghetti to the table.

They ate in silence for a while, simply enjoying the delicious food and each other’s company. It seemed so natural to be sharing a meal with Michael.

When the meal came to an end, he warned her, “I hope you get some rest and have some fun, because we’ll be hard at it first thing Monday morning.”

“Which reminds me, I really need to get going since I have to leave at the crack of dawn in the morning,” she replied, hating to see the evening end after all.

“Just let me get the check and I’ll walk you to your car. You were right about the food here. Best spaghetti and meatballs this side of the Mississippi. I think they have my favorite place in Des Moines beat, and that’s saying something.” He chuckled. “I’m glad you agreed to meet me. It was great catching up with you, Angie.” He looked at her tenderly, turning her insides to instant mush.

Michael signed the credit card receipt, putting his copy in his wallet. As they were walking to the parking lot, he took her hand in his. Angie’s heart jumped. Calm down, he is only holding your hand, she told herself. When they reached her car, he brushed the stubborn tendril of hair back from her brow, as he had done so often in the past, and leaned over to kiss her gently on the forehead.

“Have a great trip.” He smiled, and he was gone, leaving her in stunned silence.

Angie got into the car and hurried out of the parking lot, heading down the street to her condo. Once in the parking garage, she allowed herself to catch her breath. She was shaking like a leaf for the second time that day. This just would not do. She was always in control.

Oh, good grief, Angie girl, it was nothing, it meant nothing. It was just a friendly kiss. On the forehead, no less. Get a grip! Would she ever get this man out of her system?

Even after all these years, a few hours, a little conversation, a little kiss, and Angie was a total basket case. She finally forced herself to get out of the car and walk to the elevator. She pushed the button to the fifth floor and stepped out into the silent hallway. Somehow, she made it to her door, unlocked it, and stepped inside. Once inside, she allowed the tears to flow as she collapsed onto the plush carpeting.

And in an apartment across town, as Michael Gray climbed between the cool linen sheets of his own lonely bed, he thought about the evening he had just spent with his ex. If it’s the last thing I do, she will Copyright 2016 - 2024