Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,21

fixable. Calm down. I mean it, calm down. You can’t go in there like two cats on a hot tin roof.”

“She is right,” Marianne added. “Not to mention the fact that Chloe and Ryan seemed like such nice people. I am sure they will give you a fair chance. After all, they are the ones who suggested the meeting. They could have turned you down when we mentioned the two of you doing the work, but they jumped on it, even knowing you are new to the game. So relax.”

“I don’t know what Chloe’s husband will think. I wonder if he will be at the meeting?” Lizzie worried.

“Hopefully we’ll get to meet him today. I wonder if he is as breathtakingly handsome as his brother is,” Katy said wistfully.

They all looked at Katy in shock. She was really getting into this Ryan guy.

Marianne hoped Katy was not leading herself into heartbreak, that would be the worse thing that could happen to her now, after all these years of waiting. Although, maybe it was all harmless. Disturbing as it was, it was kind of exciting for Katy to be so attracted to a man after all these years of widowhood.

Angie’s thoughts went back to their conversation before dinner at the restaurant, when they had teased about Katy having an affair with him. Who would have thought she would actually fall for the guy? She’s the level-headed one of this bunch.

The salads and iced tea arrived. The girls had another pleasant lunch together and then it was time for Lizzie and Katy to leave for their meeting with the O’Gradys. Marianne had given them directions to the restaurant in case they forgot how to get there. The two women left for the meeting that would change both their lives forever.

“I’m glad they are finally out of here, they were driving me bonkers,” Angie said to Marianne, laughing.

“Yes, they were pretty hyper. I hope it all goes well for them, though. Both of them deserve this break. Isn’t it weird how it all happened?” Marianne answered her with a smile.

“Fate,” Angie answered simply and they both collapsed in laughter as they sat back to relax and enjoy the quiet. They knew when the other two got back it would be crazy again. Both Katy and Lizzie would be anxious to tell the story of the big meeting.

“Do I look all right?” Katy asked Lizzie as she checked her makeup in the visor mirror for the third time.

“You look great, you are going to knock old Ryan’s socks off in that outfit, you little vixen.” Lizzie laughed as she responded. She was thinking how nice it was to see Katy so interested in something besides Alex for a change. Alex was a great kid, but Katy needed a life. She had been lonely for too darn long. Now she had two possibilities to look forward to, a chance for a new client for her business, and a possible chance with a new guy. Although, Lizzie thought, the business deal is probably more of a sure thing than the guy. But time would tell. It did seem like fate had drawn them to ‘Chloe’s Place’ for a lot of reasons last night. There was their old friend fate, helping them out again. Maybe Marianne had been right about it all these years.

They had no problem finding the restaurant again. Marianne’s directions had been perfect. They parked the car, hugged each other for luck, and proceeded to their meeting.

As they entered the restaurant, Ryan was sitting at a table with several stacks of papers spread in front of him, sipping a mug of steaming coffee. He looked up and smiled as they walked toward him.

“Well, right on time. I’ll tell Chloe and Shane you’re here. You both look great, by the way,” he added as he took in the sight of Katy with a long, slow, approving look. She had chosen a simple summer dress for her appointment. It was a pale shade of yellow, which went well with her dark hair. Her accessories were simple and she wore sandals on her delicate feet, each toenail sporting perfect polish. She is the perfect vision of a Texas yellow rose, Ryan thought as he walked away to find his brother. Shake it off, man.

Katy smiled back at him and thanked him for the compliment but her knees were shaking as she turned to Lizzie.

“It will be all right, I promise. Get through the presentation, and then concentrate Copyright 2016 - 2024