Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,22

on the man.” Lizzie cautioned her friend.

“But he is so damn hot, it’s hard to concentrate on anything else.” Katy laughed as she heard herself say the words. Did I really just say he was hot?

Ryan walked back into the room, followed by Chloe and a man who looked much like a younger version of Ryan. Not quite as striking in appearance, but definitely the same eyes.

“Ladies, meet my husband, Shane, who is Ryan’s brother.” Chloe spoke first, looking up at her husband with a smile.

“I’m sorry I missed you girls last night. I was out of town all day yesterday to a meeting with some distributors and didn’t get in until late, but I heard quite a bit about both of you, and your two friends, from these two.” Shane smiled as he shook hands with both of them and invited them to sit. “Shall we get down to business? We don’t want to take up your vacation time. If this works out, there will be plenty of time to work out the details when your vacation is over. Lizzie, why don’t you sit over here with Chloe and me and we’ll discuss your advertising ideas while Ryan brings Katy up to speed on the plans and what we are looking for as far as designs. Then we’ll compare notes,” Shane suggested.

“Sounds like a plan.” Lizzie smiled as she spread her work on the table and began her presentation to the O’Grady couple. Going over each slogan, she watched their faces and saw immediately that they liked her work.

They spent the next two hours going over the entire advertising campaign together. They liked her general concept, and combining her idea with some of their own, the three of them were able to come up with what they all agreed was a good campaign. Lizzie was ecstatic.

“I think we will be able to work together,” Shane finally said after they had reworked the last of the details. “You really have some great ideas. I can’t believe you came up with that in one night after only being in our restaurant the one time. You have a natural knack, that’s for sure.”

Lizzie beamed after hearing Shane’s words of approval. She could not wait to tell Rex. “Thank you, Mr. O’Grady.”

“Call me Shane. When can we draw up the paperwork?” was his next question.

“Let me give my husband a call this evening and see what we can work out.”

“It will be a pleasure working with you and your husband if he is as talented as you are. Your ads are very tastefully done,” he added as he shook her hand.

“Oh, yes, he is very talented. He’s been in the advertising business a long time.”

Chloe stood up and said, “The dinner crowd will be coming in soon, we had better let Ryan take a look at the slogans and see how he and Katy are coming along.”

Ryan had given Katy an overall idea of what the new expansion entailed. It was to be a party room, where wedding receptions, company parties, and other group events could be held. He also discussed the plans for a new corporate office to be built on the lot next door. After those two projects were completed, work would begin on the new restaurants that were to be built in several cities around the country. He was very excited at the prospect of opening the chain and Katy could tell he had worked hard to make this business the success it was today. Together they pored over the sketches she had worked so hard on the night before.

“Now keep in mind, there wasn’t time for me to order color samples and swatches. You’ll have to imagine what I’m talking about. But these rough sketches should give you some idea what of what I have in mind,” Katy explained nervously.

Ryan was blown away with her work. She is really good. Her ideas for the upscale establishment were exactly what he had been looking for. He had mainly agreed to this meeting to please Chloe and to see Katy again. When she had told him that Katy was thinking of starting a design business, he thought it was probably just a whim and that there probably was not much talent there. But Katy had surprised him with her good taste and she had proven him wrong. She was, in fact, very talented. For reasons he could not explain, he was pleased with this turn of events. Intrigued by the woman Copyright 2016 - 2024