Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,20

expected the meeting to go well, and when the day was over, he would be free to surprise little Miss Angela with his presence in Dallas. He had a good excuse to be there, of course, but never the less, he worried about her reaction. She had been hard to read the other night at dinner. She was available, but that did not mean that she wanted to start over with him. He would just have to play it by ear and see how things progressed. Hopefully, by working together, he would be able to convince her that the problems they’d had in the past had nothing to do with the confident, successful people they had both become. It seemed to him they had needed the time to get themselves settled into good careers, and now it was time to end the nonsense and get back together. But convincing feisty little Angie of that might not be an easy task. She was very good at her job. He could tell that from the brief meeting last Friday. She was certainly going to be a challenge and a joy to work with. She knew her stuff. He had to give her that.

As he headed for the airport, he was hoping the weather in Texas would be better than the weather in Iowa this morning. He spent his time in the air going over last minute preparations for his presentation to the O’Grady family. It’s time to concentrate on business.

He landed at DFW, rented a car, and drove straight to the hotel. He had booked a suite at the Prava also. He was hoping he could slip into his room and back out of it without any of the ‘Fab Four’ spotting him. He was not yet ready for them to know he was in town. His meeting with the O’Gradys was not until tomorrow morning so he would order room service and stay in this evening, relaxing and preparing his next move. By tomorrow evening, he would have figured out the best way to let Angie know he was in town. One step at a time, boy, don’t rush her. You don’t want to scare her off. By the time he picked up the phone to order his lunch, he was smiling to himself, confident that this trip to Texas was going to be a good one, both professionally and personally.

Meanwhile, one floor up, Katy and Lizzie were busy gathering all their materials together for their meeting at ‘Chloe’s Place.’ They had finally both given it up around three o’clock that morning and had fallen asleep on the sofa bed in the living room of their suite. Marianne and Angie had retired to their bedroom around one, leaving their friends to finish their work.

Katy had been amazed at the adrenalin flowing from both Lizzie and herself all night. They were both really getting into this. For two people who have not worked for several years, I think we were both full of good ideas. I’m hoping this will turn out to be a good thing for both of us. And who knows, maybe I will get more out of this than a job! That is highly unlikely, she thought, but a girl can dream, can’t she?

They had decided to order salads from room service for lunch, so Lizzie and Katy could get ready for their meeting in plenty of time. Both were very excited and neither one of them could sit still for more than a few minutes all morning. Katy was like a high school girl getting ready for her first date. Lizzie was not much better.

“Would you two get a grip? You are driving me crazy,” complained Angie when Lizzie jumped up from the couch for the twentieth time.

“I just want to make sure this all goes well, there is so much riding on it for both of us. I don’t want either of us to blow the opportunity we’ve been given,” Lizzie shot back nervously.

“Relax. You can’t be this fidgety when you’re at the meeting, you know.”

“What did you really think of our ideas, Angie?” Katy asked with a frown.

“I think you both did an excellent job on such short notice. It will be fine. All you have to do now is relax and present your ideas. I am confident they will love your ideas as much as we do. And if they don’t, it will be good experience. If there is something they don’t like, it’s probably Copyright 2016 - 2024