Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,19

steaks were tender and perfectly cooked and the seafood was seasoned to perfection.

They ordered coffee and for dessert a heavenly cheesecake drizzled with caramel topping. As they lingered over the coffee, discussing the evening and the opportunities it had brought, Katy was silent, thoughts whirling in her head. Thoughts of decorating the restaurant, the hotel, and in the back of her mind, as if too timid to make their way forward, thoughts of a tall man with the gold flecks in his eyes.

They finally decided it was time to go back to the hotel. Lizzie and Katy had a long night of work ahead of them, if they were going to be ready for their important two o’clock meeting with the O’Gradys tomorrow. They were both already deeply engrossed in their ideas.

Lizzie had decided not to mention anything to Rex until she was sure this was going to work out. After all, she may find out that she really did not have any talent, after all. Then, she would have her answer as to whether or not to pitch her idea of joining the agency to Rex. Or, it could go the other way, which would be the answer to all her prayers. Oh, he could still create the ads for the O’Gradys and possibly expand his business to Texas, but she hoped it was her ads that did the trick.

Katy was thinking about how ironic it all was. Two days ago, I was wondering what I was going to do with the rest of my life. Now I have two possible clients for a design business I haven’t even opened yet, and I have met the most amazing man. Actually, amazing was not a strong enough word to describe Mr. Ryan O’Grady and the effect that meeting him was having on her. She knew he was a widower, that he had lost his wife in the same manner that she had lost Bill. She knew he had lived in the Midwest before moving to Dallas. They had those two things in common, but what else did she know about him? That he was a confirmed bachelor, he had many lady friends and Katy probably did not stand a snowball’s chance in hell with him. Maybe Angie had the right idea earlier. I should just have a vacation affair with him. What am I saying? Deal with it later, she told herself, you have work to do. That’s what I’ll do. Concentrate on the work and not the man. But could she do that?

She wondered what surprises the rest of the week would bring as the waiter stepped over to the table to see if they would like anything else. They conveyed to him how wonderful the meal and the atmosphere of the restaurant were, much to his obvious pleasure.

When Angie asked if they could have their check, the waiter replied, “I have been instructed to tell you that your dinners are on the house tonight, compliments of Mr. Ryan O’Grady. Enjoy the rest of your evening, ladies.” They looked at each other and laughed. What a strange night this had turned out to be. They had met two wonderful new people and a whole new chapter could be starting for some of them. And now, the most eligible bachelor in Dallas had treated them all to dinner.

How could they have known their lives would be changed forever by that one simple visit to ‘Chloe’s Place’ on that fateful autumn night?

They arrived back at the Prava to begin a long night of work for Lizzie and Katy. Angie and Marianne had the job of keeping the coffee pot going and offering opinions when asked for them. It was just like old times, once again, with the four of them working together as a team.


Monday morning dawned with hazy, overcast skies in Iowa. As Michael Gray prepared for his trip to Texas to meet with the restaurant owners, he was deep in thought. Well-prepared for this meeting, he had studied the background of ‘Chloe’s Place.’ He’d done his homework, so to speak, and knew everything there was to know about the place.

It was quite an impressive operation, really. Started nearly ten years ago by two brothers and the wife of one brother, it had done exceptionally well. Frankly, he was surprised they had not made the decision to expand sooner. He had sent preliminary sketches ahead of him, and the owners had seemed to be pleased with Michael’s work. He Copyright 2016 - 2024