Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,18

hundred pound weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Shane and Ryan will not believe this in a million years.” Chloe could not believe her luck and even Marianne, the great believer in fate, was dumbstruck by the sudden turn of events.

“What will I not believe?” Ryan had returned to the table. He seemed to be drawn to the table with the petite Katy from Chicago and her friends.

When Chloe related her latest findings to Ryan, he was shocked. “Well, indeed, that is interesting. Katy, why don’t you drop by tomorrow after the lunch rush and we’ll discuss some of the decorating ideas with you?” he answered, not quite believing his luck in getting to see her again so soon.

“This place is so tastefully done, who designed it?” she replied, not giving an immediate answer to his suggestion.

“I did, but I just don’t have the time to do it this time around, what with running this place and planning the new projects,” Chloe answered wearily.

“Well, it certainly is beautiful. You did an excellent job on it, Chloe.” Katy appreciated taste and Chloe certainly had shown good taste in decorating the restaurant.

“Thank you, Katy. But seriously, would you be interested in stopping by tomorrow or will you be too busy with your friend’s hotel to take on a second client so soon? We would love to have your input.”

She is seriously asking me to do the job, Katy thought excitedly.

“We could really use your help if you are serious about starting a design business.” Ryan was looking at Katy, smiling, and she was captivated by it. How could I refuse anything this man asks of me?

“We don’t want to cut into your vacation time, though. I’m sorry, I didn’t even think of that.” Chloe had forgotten for a minute that the girls were on vacation, disappointed that things may not work out after all.

“No, that’s not a problem, I can drop by around two if that works for you.” Katy decided to go for it.

“And Lizzie, why don’t you have your husband work on some ad ideas for us?”

“Actually,” Lizzie said thoughtfully, “why don’t I come up with some ideas of my own and come by with Katy tomorrow? Sound good to you?” The wheels were turning in Lizzie’s head. If she could win this account, it would be a big feather in Rex’s cap to expand his business as far as Dallas and it would gain Rex’s confidence that she could do the job. Wouldn’t that be something? She could kill two birds with one stone, as the saying goes.

“Sounds like a winner to me, what do you think, Ryan?” Chloe looked up at her handsome brother-in-law questioningly.

But Ryan’s gaze was fixed on Katy. She was such a petite, pretty little thing. He wondered if she was married. Rein it in, big boy, never going down that road again, remember? What in the world is happening to me? Meet one cute and smart little lady and the resolution made so many years ago was going by the wayside. Keep this strictly business if you know what’s good for you.

“I’m sorry, what were you saying, sis?”

Chloe looked at Ryan closely. “I was asking would it be okay with you for Liz to bring by some ad ideas tomorrow when Katy stops by?” she asked again, wondering what was wrong with him. He seemed to be a million miles away tonight.

“Sure, sure, that would be great. I need to get back to work. I will bid you ladies farewell.” He bowed to them as he turned to leave. “See you at two tomorrow.” And with that, Ryan O’Grady walked away from the table, leaving all five women staring after him.

“I need to get back to work, too. It was great meeting y’all, and I look forward to seeing both of you tomorrow. Marianne and Angie, it was great meeting you too. Have a good evening and enjoy your meal.” Chloe turned and walked across the room, stopping to say hello to a couple at another table, before walking back into the kitchen.

The four looked at each other silently for a few seconds until Marianne broke the silence. “What do you make of all that?”

“Your good old fate at work, Mari,” answered Angie as she took a sip of her drink. They all giggled. Marianne’s belief that fate has a hand in all things had long been a source of good-natured ribbing.

Their dinners arrived shortly and true to legend, it was delicious. The Copyright 2016 - 2024