Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,17

“It’s a childhood nickname we gave ourselves when we were growing up in Indiana. I am Lizzie from Ohio, this is Marianne, who actually lives near Dallas, that’s Angie from Iowa, and you have already had the pleasure of speaking to Katy, who hails from Chicago.”

The gold flecks in Ryan’s eyes sparkled as he answered, “Indiana you say? I lived there once, a lifetime ago, in Indianapolis. It is a pleasure for us to be serving the ‘Fab Four’ this evening. May I show you to a table, ladies?” He led them to a table near the beautiful fireplace. After they were seated, he took their drink orders and handed them menus. “Your waiter will be with you shortly. I’ll check back with you ladies later and see how you are doing. It has been a pleasure.” He winked at Katy as he turned to go.

“Wow, did you girls check out those eyes of his?” Angie asked.

“Eyes, schmeyes, I was too busy checking out the rest of him,” laughed Lizzie.

“No wonder he’s Dallas’s most eligible bachelor,” Marianne added.

“What did you think of him, Katy?” Angie nudged her friend, who had been very quiet. The wink had not been missed.

“I think that I have never been as attracted to a man in all my life,” Katy quietly answered.

The other three looked at her in surprise. Katy had not so much as shown the slightest bit of interest in a man since Bill’s death, other than the occasional casual date. Maybe she really was ready to move on.

“Well, on that note, let’s think about ordering some food, because, honey, I don’t think Ryan O’Grady is on the menu tonight,” Lizzie said as they all burst into yet another fit of girlish giggles.

The waiter soon brought their drinks and they placed their orders. Marianne ordered the filet mignon, Angie a seafood dish, Katy a shrimp salad, and Lizzie the prime rib.

As they settled back to enjoy their drinks and each other’s company, a woman walked toward their table. Katy noticed her first-she was strikingly beautiful, probably in her mid-thirties, with short, blonde, bobbed hair.

The woman greeted them with a genuine smile as she stopped at their table and introduced herself, “Hi, I’m Chloe O’Grady. Ryan said there was a lively bunch of gals that I needed to meet sitting in this corner. Welcome to our restaurant.”

“Are we being too loud? We’re sorry, we haven’t seen each other for a long time and have a lot to catch up on,” Angie answered, slightly embarrassed.

“Oh, no, quite the contrary, Ryan thought y’all were having a good time, so I thought I would come over and chat a minute. What brings y’all to Dallas?” she asked with the typical Texas drawl.

“Well, we’re childhood friends who live in different states now. We decided to drop everything and get together for a week,” replied Lizzie.

“I think that’s wonderful. I would love to get away like that, but we are so busy right now.” Chloe O’Grady had a way about her that could draw you into her world with her smile.

“Yes, we heard that you are doing some expanding. That sounds great.” Marianne remarked. “You must be doing very well here.”

“It is great, but very time consuming to try and plan all that and run this place, I’m afraid.” Chloe smiled as she spoke, the same sweet smile she had on her face when greeting them.

“I hear you. I work in a resort-casino and we are planning a huge expansion too. When I get back to work, I will certainly have my hands full,” Angie piped in, understanding in her voice.

“We have hired an excellent architect. We’ve seen preliminary sketches and are meeting with him on Tuesday morning. He really had some good ideas. Now if I could just decide on a new advertising campaign and hire a decorator, I would be halfway home.” Chloe sighed.

The girls looked at each other and laughed.

“I’m sorry, why was that funny?” Chloe asked in a surprised manner.

“No, it wasn’t funny, but Lizzie’s husband owns an ad agency and Katy here is thinking of starting an interior design business. I have already offered her a job helping me with decorating our new hotel expansion,” Angie answered, the wheels spinning in her head already.

“You have got to be kidding. It has to be fate that brought you to us tonight. I am so excited. You don’t know how much this has been weighing on me to get these things done. I feel like a Copyright 2016 - 2024